June 19, 2013

  • I Do Not Sleep Well On Monday Nights.....


    Monday nights we keep Chewlee overnight because her mother gets off work so late.  This way she doesn't have to be woken up at 11:30pm and taken home.  It takes her mother an hour and a half to drive home.  That's just dumb so we keep her here and the bus driver picks her up around 6am.  She is his first stop.   I worry A LOT about her missing the bus and having to have the Beast wake up to take her to school.  It is NOT how I want to start my day.  The result is that I wake up almost every hour on the hour.  Needless to say, I am very tired by the time the alarm goes off at 5am.  I jerk awake when it does off and my stomach rolls for five minutes or so.

    I have learned how to wake her up so that she is smiling and not cranky.  I get to have some fun with her and she starts the day off with a smile.  But, as soon as I see her off with a smile and a wave, I head back to bed where I fall asleep at the drop of a hat and I sleep for five or six hours.  Of course, that depends on the Beast.  He does love to come and wake me up for no reason at all.  I tried to tell him that I do NOT sleep soundly on Monday night but it's like it goes right over his head or he just doesn't care.  With him, it's hard to tell.

    On Tuesdays, I also tend to need to nap more.  If I only sleep four hours after Chewlee leaves in the morning, I take about two *naps* during the day.  I can't avoid it; my eyes slam shut and I have to force myself awake in order not to fall off my chair or end up face down on my keyboard.  But...I endure it because I love my great-granddaughter.  I sleep with her on those nights she stays over.  She wants me to and makes me promise that I will, especially if I don't lay down with her when she goes to bed.  There are times I am talking to people (like Bratfink) or my son, Mustachio.  I also have a couple friends that pop up from time to time lately.  Also, I usually shower late in the evening.  Chewlee hates that but puts up with it because I tell her that I don' t want to stink, tyvm. 

    Today she asked me if she could have a slumber party at my house.  When I asked her what she meant, she told me that she had never had one and thought it would be fun.  However, I told her that she should ask her mother if she could have one since she is supposed to have her friends over for a slumber party.  Here, all she would be having is a sleepover.

    We usually go outside before the bus comes and she rides her bike around for a little while and I sit on the steps.  This morning she didn't get to ride it for long when the bus came round the corner and stopped out front.  She got on the bus, sat down and waved to me.  So did the driver.  He knows that I am her *grandmother* and that she stays with us often.  During the regular school year we adjust the days he picks her up in the morning here at our house (but at a later time, thankfully) and she gets dropped off here pretty much every day. 

    Today, Chewlee and I went outside in between her favorite programs.  Just as we went out and Chewlee was riding her bike, the little boy next door arrived home with his mother.  Chewlee was happy because she was told she could play with him for a while.  I told her that I would let her know when her program was on so she and Ian played out front together.  Ian is only 2-1/2 yrs old but he loves Chewlee and she loves having the chance to play with him when she can.

    When I called her in to watch her program, she came running and almost forgot her bike.  When the Princess got here, we didn't hear her come in so, when Chewlee was going to open my door to go get some milk to drink, the Princess scared her with a loud, *Boo!*.  I laughed because Chewlee looked like she was going to collapse on the floor in fright.  Her mother laughed and said, *Did I scare you?*  I think that was pretty obvious...LOL!

    We had both bad and good weather here today.  It rained in the morning then the sun came out and so did the heat.  But it wasn't as hot as it has been.  I don't think it hit 80 degrees here so that was nice for us.  The Beast's tomatoes are getting big now and we are getting more strawberries.  I have green peppers that are starting to grow and my cucumbers are climbing like they are supposed to.  I've already gotten green beans off my plants and I have a bunch more to collect tomorrow with Chewlee. 

    Love you all.  Have a great week.