May 4, 2010

  • A Few Tense Moments And Sweet Relief


    For all those that were concerned, we are fine here.  The rumors about possible tornadoes were, apparently, unfounded by the time it reach our area.  *Phew!*  The storm, however, was a bit on the nasty side.  The neighbor in back of us had a tree that was listing badly after the tornado hit nearby but it is totally down now just from the winds we got last night. 

    I’m glad I picked my ripe strawberries before it hit because some of my plants look a little ragged today, including my poor tomato!  The blossoms that were on it are gone so now it’s another waiting game for new ones.  *Sigh*  I went out in the  midst of the early part of the storm and took down the hummingbird feeders and one of the hanging plants.  I moved the upside down tomato to a place where it was sheltered as much as possible (but not enough, I guess).

    Today, instead of overcast and more rain, it was bright, sunny and warm.  Got all the way up to 83, in fact.  The Beast got out and mowed the back yard.  If it stays nice, he’ll do the front and lot next door (or *the orchard* as I call it).

    I got to see some of the damage to the baby’s preschool today when I went to pick her up.  The playground….all gone!  Nothing was left there except some rubble.  The chainlink fence was taken out and never found, all the playground equipment (which was mostly made of heavy wood and included a couple neat playhouses) was just trashed.  It was sad.  The sandbox, which was a big, covered area…gone!  The church bus was destroyed also.  The school building was actually the building that suffered the most damage.  Windows were blown out and much of the furniture inside destroyed.  With all the diapers, pullups, blankets, pillows and spare sets of clothing for all the kids….well, you can just imagine the mess.  Part of the roof had tarpaulins on it until that can be taken care of, I guess.  The kids were able to stay in the sanctuary building and offices located at the front of the property.  The awning portion and a high window were the only casualties it looked like. 

    I DID notice, also, that all the new river rock that had been put down during the winter seemed to have been a casualty, too.  I looked at the homes a little further behind the church property and was really shocked to see the downed trees and the mess that was still partly in a pool back there.  The lake will probably need some dredging out, too.  But, physically, it seems like the church property was the worst hit.  I couldn’t see any really noticeable problems with the homes back there.  Of course, I was only seeing it all over a week later and from the back. 

    I got news today that I won’t have to pick up the baby from school for a while.  Johnnycakes has been transferred to days now and will be getting off work at 4pm.  He is, however, going to try to get a job inside the plant (more $$$) until he gets his college courses done and can then get into law enforcement, which is his dream.  I think he just likes the uniform since he wants to be a state trooper.  You know, the guys with the wide brimmed hats?   

    My son, Marcus Aurelius, wants us to come up to his house this weekend.  He just bought his first house last month and is ready for company now, I guess.  His sister, Buttmunch, and brother, Mustachio, are coming from Louisville.  I think we will probably only go up for the day (Saturday) because of Baron.  Suffice it to say that Baron is not exactly welcomed.  Partly because he gets too damned excited around people and he’s too big and clumsy and can be lethal.  Also, my youngest granddaughter was attacked by a dog and was bitten rather badly.  She bears the scars from that attack in more ways than one.  She was here, however, for a couple weeks last summer and did end up getting along with Baron well after just a couple days.  Baron was actually rather sweet with her (perhaps feeling her fear?).  He would have slept with her if given half a chance but his *daddy* won out on that one. 

    As it is, Marcus told me Baron would have to either stay in the garage or outside with the older two kids (whom he insists will play with him and keep him company).  I know that’s going to go over like a lead balloon with the Beast so it will be a short visit.  But, at least we will get to see Mustachio, whom we haven’t seen in well over a year and Buttmunch, too.  I have a proposition to convey to her when I see her anyway. 

    The Princess was upset we couldn’t make it for Sunday because then she said she could go, too.  I may broach that with the Beast because leaving Baron in the garage would make more sense to him then with the baby and so many people there.  I’ll find out if the Princess really meant that and we could make it a family day trip then.  We shall see.

    Time to get this posted for today.  Love you all and you have a wonderful day, ya hear?    Be kind to one another.  No matter how obnoxious someone may seem, someone…somewhere….thinks they are worth loving. 

Comments (2)

  • I’m trying to build a fence that may last for many, many, many years and never have to redo rotten posts, or seek out concrete. This fence will be in a region. Please give me your thinking with some ideas that’ll incorporate the newest technology and materials..

    • We put our fence up almost 9 years ago and, unfortunately, had to use concrete for the frame posts. However, the fencing itself is redwood, which should last us another 10-12 years or more. At our age, that’s plenty but it could last even longer. It was worth the added expense and, trust me, we have a budget to worry about since we live on our SS. Our savings went into paying for our house and both our cars. No bills but the ones we can’t avoid. I don’t know if this is your answer but I hope it helps.

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