May 28, 2012

  • Funny How Our Minds Work At Times


    Do you have any idea how often you really don't pay  attention to exactly what you are doing because you do it so often you could do it in your sleep?  For example, you take a shower.  You keep your shampoo and creme rinse in a certain spot and you know where your shampoo is and your creme rinse.  You know where the bar soap is or liquid body soap so you can just lean over and grab or pump as you need one or the other.  You know where the towel is and can grab it without thinking.  If you are like the Beast and me, you have your brushes, combs, hair dryer, deodorant, face cream or body lotion that you keep in certain areas all the time.

    You probably go about getting dressed in a routine way and often just grab what you need without really looking at it.  I hadn't thought about it until today because something was moved on me and changed but....because the color of the item and label was just about the same, it wasn't until I smelled it that I really looked at what I had used.  Don't panic, it was deodorant.  Nothing harmful or that would have hurt me...BUT it COULD have.

    It seems the Beast was doing his *helpful* thing in the bathroom, wiping down the top of the commode and moving things around.  He tried to remember to put things back where they had been but he also gets these *fits* of deciding that things would be better THIS way instead of THAT.  I hadn't inspected the top of the commode when I went to take my shower so I didn't see that my deodorant was moved until I went to grab it to put it on.  I was a bit annoyed when I glanced over and saw what he had done but just grabbed *my* deodorant, pulled the top off and used it.  However, the aroma that wafted up to my nose was VERY different.  I stopped dead and looked, REALLY looked at what I had in my hand and it was a brand of deodorant that the Beast used.  The aroma was very masculine.  I decided then and there that I would move MY stuff into the guest bathroom and keep it in the medicine cabinet.  That would keep it out of the Beast's eyes and hands.  At least for now.  He's incorrigible that way.  Give him an inch and he takes a mile.

    But I realized that we do a lot of things without really thinking about it.  If you keep your salt and pepper in a certain area, you will reach for it when you want it without thinking.  You get annoyed if it was used and not put back where it belongs.  That happens a lot here because the Beast will grab the salt and carry it off with him for his popcorn.  He never puts it back.  I have to go retrieve it and put it back where it belongs. 

    Another thing our minds can do to us...if you put something somewhere in your pantry, for example, and go to get it from that spot but it's not there (because the Beast never puts anything back where it belongs when he DOES put something sorta back), have you found yourself unable to find it even when it's THERE, just moved?  The Beast and I play hide and seek with my flour, for example.  He ALWAYS knows where to find it if *I* use it before he does.  But me?  He never puts it in the same place two times in a row.  It's very frustrating.  But what I find peculiar is that it's like my brain disconnects from my eyes, causing me to not be able to see where the Beast put it even though it might just be one shelf down and over to the left.  Get what I mean?

    I expect that with things in the fridge.  We are constantly moving things around in there so I get a mental picture in my mind of what I want and can move this and that and spot where it is.  You don't expect that with things in your pantry or your cabinets.  Oh lord, and the same with pots, pans, casserole dishes and things like that.  The Beast has made my life a nightmare with that.  After so many years, well, five years, of me keeping things in a certain cabinet, do you think he could put something away where he found it?  Hell no!  He still can't remember and I can't find my favorite casserole dish.  For all I know, he threw it away.  If HE doesn't see the need for something, out it goes.  He thinks he's making our life simpler.  He's making it more expensive because I make him go and buy me another one to replace whatever is *missing*.

    That's all I have to say at this time.  Love you all.  Be good and drive carefully. 

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