May 24, 2012

  • I Take A Fall


    I apologize for not having a blog up earlier.  But I took a fall, hit my head and really wasn't up to it yesterday.  The fall wasn't serious but I was ready to skin a cat over it.  Let me explain.

    We have a cat that adopted us.  You never adopt a cat.  It has to adopt you or you have major problems.  Cats are not like dogs.  You become their servants.  They don't always come when called is one example.  But....if they want attention, you had best pay attention.  They have very pointy ends on all their paws and they will use them to make you pay attention.  That's why the saying is that dogs have owners, cats have attendants.  It's very true.

    And then you have some cats that are like Lovey.  She is the sweetest, most content cat I've ever been around.  When they purr, they are happy and content.  Lovey purrs constantly.  She LOVES attention and wants to be laying in your lap or next to you or at your feet.  She follows me around like some dependent dog.  She will lay at my feet when I am at the desk.  If I get up to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, she follows me and wants to rub up against me the whole time.  And she purrs constantly.

    The problem is that she will get between my legs while trying to rub up against me when I am not expecting it.  There have been a few times when she ran up to me from behind, got between my feet and almost tripped me.  Yesterday she DID and I fell backwards and thunked my head on the wood floor.  Nothing else was hurt but I was so damn mad at the cat because she's been moved aside so often, you think she would *get it*.  But the Beast took her and put her out on the deck along with her food and water.  She spends more than half her time out there so you don't have to worry about her on that point.  In fact, she keeps presenting us (at the door, of course) with the dead bodies of the little kangaroo mice (they can really jump!).  Baron likes to chase them but has never caught one.  I don't think he would know what to do with one if he DID catch one.  But it's funny to watch.

    As for me, after the fall I was very conscious of looking for symptoms of a concussion but none appeared so I didn't hit it hard enough.  But I'm sure my brain bounced a bit in there (I think I still have a brain anyway).  I waited to take my normal nap and stayed more upright by napping in my recliner.  I did sleep longer than expected and just didn't feel like blogging so I didn't.  I went to bed at a more normal time than usual only because Bratfink didn't get online.  She hadn't been online on Tuesday and I was starting to worry about her when my niece called me with a message from her.  She said she was alright but they didn't have internet. 

    That's happened a time or two before.  I don't know who she has for internet but it goes down on them every few months.  A tech has to come out and work on it every time so it's a few days before she gets online again.  **Sigh**  I know Bratfink gets upset over it but there's not a whole lot she can do except wait for the company to get someone out there.

    Love you all.  Thanks for coming by.