August 29, 2011

  • Two Days Off....LOL



    When Chewlee finally went home tonight, I thought *ahh, now I have two days free!*  But I am wrong.  I am pretty sure the Beast is going to show up tomorrow so it means I haven't had one single free day since he left.  Unless I am wrong and he doesn't come home until Tuesday. 

    When Tara showed up with the two older boys, the boys headed right out back to check out the garden.  She, bless her heart, gave me a hand in changing the bed linens.  While we were doing it, I was struck by the fact that it was so different from when the Beast helps me out.  A woman knows how to make a bed the right way and with little fuss.  A man, no matter how often he might do it, always seems a little bit unsure of himself.  We made the bed in probably just three or four minutes.  Zip! Zip! Zip!  It was a real pleasure and tonight....clean sheets for me.  Alone.  No dog hairs included. 

    When Chewlee got here, both Tara and I tried to get her to go outside while the boys were out there checking the garden.  She refused and told me she didn't like boys.  Big boys.  I told her that would change but these boys were her cousins.  She told me she only liked her little cousins.  That made both me and Tara laugh.  She even hid behind my chair when the boys came in to say goodbye and ask about a few of the items they had in the bags.  I let them take them all, including the one eggplant and green pepper because Tara is going to try making salsa like mine.  I gave her the recipe for it and told her if she had a problem, just give me a call.  The boys were eager for her to try it.  I told her since she wasn't going to be canning it, it would stay okay to eat for three weeks in the fridge.  Hell, it won't last three days with those boys. 

    After Tara and the boys left, Chewlee became herself once again.  I put her programs on in the living room.  She loves watching *papa's* TV whenever she can.  The Princess ended up working late due to a large party that came in late so Chewlee really enjoyed that.  She tried to get me to let her take a bath but I told her she wasn't dirty enough for a bath.  She took one late yesterday, slept here all night, then went shopping with her mother before she ate lunch and then came back here.  She didn't go outside anywhere bath.  First she tried to tell me she didn't take a bath here but I reminded her that she was sitting in the bathtub and watching papa's TV at the same time.  Every time I got in her way, she yelled that she couldn't see and wanted me to get out of the way.  She remembered then.....or stopped pretending she didn't remember the bath.

    I made up some of the frozen veggies for my dinner and she kept saying I was eating dog food because we give Baron the same veggies.  I told her that Baron was eating *people* food, not me eating dog food but she said she was going to tell papa that I ate some of Baron's dog food.  Once she gets an idea in her head,  you can't get it out without dynamite.  It also meant she would NOT eat any of the veggies with her dinner.  That was two hot dogs and some blueberries.  Today she told me she didn't like vegetables anymore.  This is the kid that used to eat a whole can of green beans or corn if you would let her.  Now she doesn't like them.  I had a pork loin sandwich on pumpernickel bread.  Delish!  I also had blueberries (as Chewlee put it...we SHARED).  She does love fruit.  I'm going to have to have the Beast pick up some chicken nuggets for her to change her diet a bit.  We also need some french fries in the house.  I like them too because I can fry them up in the good grease.  **Grin**  Bad for cholesterol but the taste!.....Oh, the taste!  Heaven.  I prefer the dinner fries.  Chewlee likes them, too. 

    Chewlee decided that she was tired of watching her TV without me there and came into my room saying, *Come here, Grandma.  I want to show you something special!*  She stood in the doorway and her hand waved me towards her.  I got up, followed her into the living room where she sat on Papa's recliner on one side and patted the chair for me to sit down next to her saying, *You need to sit here with me and watch TV with me, Grandma.  If you don't like the program, just close your eyes.  I'll share my blanket with you.*  When I sat down, I discovered that the Beast's chair is a bit wider than mine.  I kid you not.  I was very surprised because Chewlee and I fit easily on it without having to sit on the arm.

    When I noticed the porch light was off, I started to get up but she pushed me back down and said she would turn it on for her mother.  She ran over, switched the light on and ran back to make sure I stayed where I was.  She leaned into my chest and said, *I love you, Grandma.*  She actually did it a couple times while we sat there.  When I reminded her that I was talking to Auntie Bratfink and hadn't told her I was sitting with Chewlee, she finally let me get up so I could talk to Auntie Bratfink.  She told me *You have to come back here if she goes to lay down, though, promise?*  I told her of course I would but I knew Bratfink wasn't ready to go lay down yet.

    Shortly thereafter, the Princess showed up.  She looked really, really tired.  She was really annoyed that she had to stay (the owner wanted her to stay) and this other girl, who always seems to get to go home early, got to leave.  I told her there are benefits to having the owner like you and she just threw me this look that said she really didn't care at this point.

    I'm going to throw a few things in to wash.  Most of it is Chewlee's stuff and a few of my things.  I'll do the rest of the wash tomorrow before it becomes humongous.  I'm trying hard to ignore the pain in my feet but I think I am due to go to the doctor's and see what the hell is really going on with my feet.  I'm actually going to FINALLY call the orthopedic doctor that I have used before and let him take a look at what's what.  I'm just hoping I get my supplemental insurance card before I go.  They said 5-7 days but who knows? 

    Love you all and I hope no one was affected badly by the storms.  I've prayed for everyone and I see by the news that none of the storm surges were all that bad.  However, damage is damage.  May any you've suffered be small and insured.