July 25, 2010

  • Sorry 'Bout That !


    Sorry about the all caps thing last night.  Just shows ta go ya that I was in too much pain at the time to even take it off the caps.  Hit it by accident and figured the hell with it.

    Anyone who suffers from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) knows the pain as well as the other problems that come with it.  It's either diarrhea or constipation.  Nothing in-between.  I'm still learning what foods might *set it off*, so-to-speak.  Apparently, garlic (which has never liked me but in a much different way) is one of those things.  I've used and eaten it in moderation but I made a mistake that I paid dearly for. 

    My niece, Tara, made some stuffed peppers the other day.  She used fresh green peppers from the Flea Market she goes to all the time.  So she dropped off a couple for the Beast and I to enjoy.  They looked (and smelled) delicious and I couldn't resist trying some....not just then because we had already eaten when she dropped them off...but on Friday.  I heated them up and, when they were ready, I ate some. 

    They were REALLY garlicky.  I think Tara must LOVE garlic.  I like it in moderation but these were very strong.  Even though I could only manage half of one, within about a half hour, I knew even that was too much.  I started blowing up with gas and talk about an upset tummy!!!!  

    Once that started, I knew I was in trouble.  Even taking the OTC pills didn't help once the damage was done.  I knew I was going to have to try to live through the episode to it's conclusion. 

    The bad part is that I had Chewlee for the day on Saturday.  That was the worst day of all.  I was so blown up with excess gas that I had to find my largest pair of sleeper pants and I didn't have to pull the waistline in at all.  They felt tight on me (and they are a size 12 ).  I was running to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes and Chewlee was high-5-ing me every time I came out of the bathroom for *being a big girl* and going on the potty.

    Apparently, Chewlee had an upset stomach because the poor kid used up a whole bunch of diapers (I ran out of pull-ups but it worked out okay) and she was really upset that she couldn't use the potty.  No time to get to it, ya see.  Her mother had tried to bribe her with going to the lake on Sunday if she used the potty all day.  I was really mad because she HAD to have known (or suspected) that the poor kid would NEVER manage that task.  It was not fun when *I* was not in the greatest of shape, too. 

    Once the worst was over, there was still the gas to deal with and that made sitting up impossible.  The pain was incredible.  It was manageable if I laid back in the recliner or laid down on the bed with a pillow at my waist.  I finally gave up trying to stay upright because even my pain pills didn't work.

    I feel wonderful today.  I even got my floors mopped up while the Beast took off to Huntsville (again...**insert eyeroll here**).  It makes me appreciate how easy it is not to feel good when you don't THINK.    I much prefer feeling good so I am adding garlic to my offender list.

    I yelled at the Princess about her *bribe* to Chewlee and why it was unfair.  She told me her stomach was upset all day long and so was her manager's.  She said the poor woman spent most of the day on the terlit!    I don't know if Chewlee is better today or not but I hope she is and that the Princess takes her to the lake for a bit.  It's 91 outside today so far and it's not even noon.  The weatherman and Weatherbug say it's going to have a heat index of 108.   

    Love you all and thanks for being patient.  Hope your day is better than ours is but, if you too are suffering from the heat, try to stay cool.  Relax, enjoy your Sunday.  I'm enjoying mine just by not being in pain.