April 23, 2010

  • A New ATV, Of Course! He Can Never Wait.....


    I ended up going to bed around 2:30am but I got up at 8:30am.  The reason?  The Beast was making noises that were a deliberate attempt to wake me up.  He wanted to find out if I wanted to make the trip with him up to Chattanooga to look at (smaller) ATV's.    He and the Princess had done some research on them before he bought this first one; you know, the one that's capable of hauling a deer on it, etc., etc.  He also had stopped in Gadsden on his way home from his big adventure to look at some at the dealer there.  I didn't even bother asking him why he was in such a rush; I already knew the answer to that.  HE CAN'T WAIT FOR ANYTHING HE WANTS.  HE WANTS IT NOW!!!!!

    He took the dog with him so I had the house to myself for a few hours.  I took my time drinking some coffee, making myself some eggs and then stripped my bed and changed the linens on it.  That meant at least two wash loads (which I did) but I decided not to hang anything out since the day had that *iffy* look to it.  Just too much sun out and then not.  Plus, they claim we are going to have rain.  I hope so. 

    I got busy dust mopping the floors and was stunned at how damn much dog hair there was on it.  I took it out to shake it after I was done and actually had a little hummingbird whiz by to check out what I was doing.  They are so cute and so curious at times.  I got busy doing some other stuff like unloading and loading up the dishwasher, wiping down my appliances and clearing off the kitchen table.  The Beast is a great one for making a mess on it but he seldom clears anything off it.  He damn near NEVER puts anything away that he takes out for any reason.  I mean stuff like peanut butter, cookies, jelly, pickles, flour, Crisco....if he takes it out of wherever it is supposed to be put, it doesn't get put back until *I* do it.  I stopped nagging at him by pointing out the stuff he hasn't put back where they belong because he just looks at me and ignores it.  He figures if it bothers ME, then *I* should put it away.

    When the Beast finally got home around 3:30pm, I KNEW he had bought another ATV.  He came in, quickly fed the dog and gave him fresh water then asked me if I wanted to go for a ride.  I didn't but I knew I had to go outside and look at what he bought.  I was really shocked at how big it LOOKED but I knew that it was actually a lot smaller in more ways than one.  He ended up buying a 2009 Honda Ranch ET.  It's brand new.  Had zero miles on it.  He bought a dark green one and I laughing asked why he hadn't bought one with a camo paint job.  He said they actually had those; they just didn't have a NEW 2009 one with it.  *Insert eye roll here since it really was meant as a joke*

    Now the Princess wants to go out on Sunday on their ATV's and go to the ATV park the Beast found.  This time, however, they will use the OTHER trails.    or at least the Beast will.  I think the kids will go off THAT trail and try some of the more *exciting* ones.  They're young and more flexible.  They also heal faster!    I'll more than  likely be here with Chewlee and we will watch 'Zilla movies or Harry Potter.  I might make her watch something different like Madagascar or Shrek or even Dr. Doolittle.  I think she might like watching what seems to be real animals talking. 

    I finally decided to heck with it and am going to go ahead and order the new bedspread, curtains and linens for the guest room.  I actually haven't ordered them (even though I had told the Beast a while back that I was going to do it since that room needs some color in it).  Why should I constantly do without things we actually NEED because Mr. Gotrocks has no self-control?  Nothing I do will stop that so it's just silly of me.  I also found the perfect curtains for here in my computer room.  I said I would know them when I saw them and I finally did.  So that will be ordered tomorrow, too.  I'm not spending a fortune on all this folks.  I'm too thrifty for that stuff.  I look for good quality and a good price, too.  I never have been able to just go out and spend money on impulse or without looking at the price.  But that's just me.

    Time to get this settled for the night so you can read it later or tomorrow morning...whenever.  Love you all and I hope you have a great day.  Laugh a little today.  It does wonders for the spirit.