April 28, 2013

  • Today's Rain And Boomers....


    Wow!  Talk about makeup rain!  It started last night with plenty of thunder and lightning.  Enough so that it woke up Chewlee and sent her into my room where I was online, checking email.  The boomers woke ME up so I just went to the bathroom and decided to stay up and see if we were going to lose power.  We didn't, thank goodness but....since our Internet and our TV services are satellite-based....we DID lose those off-and-on, depending on how hard the rain was coming down.

    The rain let up just a bit once the sun came up (I just know it was up because it got lighter outside).  We never saw even a sliver of sun all day long.  Poor Baron really needed to go out but, as you know, he's a wimp.  The Beast finally went outside with him when the rain was just a light drizzle.  Baron actually stood on the rug by the door and barked at the Beast until he got a towel and dried him off.  Too funny.  Makes you wonder just who is the master, doesn't it?

    I'm a little ticked off at Birdie tonight.  I think there's nothing worse than disappointing a child and I think that would have happened had the Beast not called at their house.  After church, they said they would pick up Chewlee *a little later*.  I was so pissed by 4pm that I told the Beast if they hadn't picked her up by 5pm, Chewlee couldn't go with them.  I also said I wanted her home by 7:30pm since Chewlee has school in the morning and she had to get to bed since she gets up at 5:30am.  I then told the Beast to be sure to tell them (Birdie and husband) that if they thought they would be late OR if they really didn't want to bring Chewlee to their house (and we can all understand that kind of thing) that *I* would appreciate their being honest about it and/or calling early so that I can make an excuse for them so that Chewlee isn't hurt.  Today, she kept saying to me, *I don't know why Birdie is so late coming to get me.*  I told her, *Well, there may have been an emergency or something.  You just don't know.  Things happen and people can't always make it.*  She hadn't gone to Birdie's for the previous two Sundays so she was very upset over it getting so late and no Birdie.  As it is, she showed up at 5 minutes before 5pm.  I was sooooooo tempted....!

    When they finally bring Chewlee back (and watch....it won't be until 8pm I have a feeling), the Beast will have to drive her home.  Good thing that it's only a 5 minute or so drive away.  I think she lives a mile and a half from us.  But it's almost like driving a big square...right turn, right turn, right turn and another right turn into their driveway.  I kid you not.  But it's country driving.  Nothing but farms and cattle around here except for one donkey farm but that's beyond the last turn down her street.

    I have to make sure the Princess brings over another pair of pajamas here.  I only have one set now since I've been sending Chewlee home on the nights her mother comes to get her after work bathed and in pajamas so she's ready for bed.  I managed to save one pair and Chewlee was upset she had to wear the same pair the past three nights.  She didn't understand that I washed them every day so they were clean every night.  I should make the Princess drop off a pair of pajamas on the days I have to have Chewlee ready for bed so that there's no problems on the nights that Chewlee is here.

    I don't have to worry about the plants.  They LOVE rainwater and they've all been well watered now.  It always seems like they have a growth spurt after a good rain.  I hope so.  My lettuce is about a half inch high now and the radishes have started.  My bush beans have sprouted, too.  Those are all the seeded veggies I planted.  I need to either thin out or move some of the radishes since it looks like every seed I put in the ground is growing.  Those teeny-tiny seeds are a bitch to plant, too.  Same with the lettuce seeds.  Tiny as hell.

    I planted double seeds for my bush beans but if they both sprout, I will be surprised.  If they do, though, I will move one.  I love the ease of bush beans.  You get nice green beans that are easy to pick.  If you pick them right, they continue to bear more beans.  Chewlee is going to love learning how to do that.  She already knows how to correctly pick strawberries but she has a vested interest in that.  She will pick them and eat them after making sure there are no ants on them...LOL.

    Gotta get this posted.  I have some clothes to fold and some that I need to freshen and hang up that the Beast just threw in his basket.  I don't know what he was thinking.  There are at least 30-40 hangers above the dryer that he could just grab and hang his shirts up right away.  They wouldn't get wrinkled then but noooooo....what an idiot.

    Love you all.  Have a fantastic week and I wish everyone some great spring weather for a change.