July 30, 2011


    I got no sleep last night...zilch...nada...none.  It started because the Beast overdid himself (of course) and caused great pain along with stiff muscles to keep HIM awake.  His *bad* (stroke) leg was just overused yesterday while he was installing the water softener under the house.  I put some Icy Hot on the area from just above his knee to his ankle and he then laid it on top of the heating pad at its barely warm setting.  He still pissed, moaned and groaned every time he moved and drove me out of the bedroom.  I started having problems of my own then that kept me awake.  Shooting pains like an electric wire was being applied to my foot....then the leg...then the toes...etc.  Sometimes it was even more painful than that but it kept the leg jerking and the foot felt like it needed constant massaging.  It was a nightmare.  Especially because its my 12 hour day with Chewlee.

    Once it was daylight, I got a second wind but you know those don't last long.  At one point, while she was playing her game on Pogo and watching one of her DVD's, I started to doze off.  Chewlee was surprisingly nice about not demanding my attention when she saw I had my eyes closed.  But she doesn't like me sleeping so it didn't last long.  Just closing my ewas nice.  I stayed in my recliner mainly because my foot was just killing me so Chewlee decided she was going to ask Grandpa to play with her.  Off she went.  With the door closed, I had no idea what was going on.  I wasn't even sure he was in the house.  A couple minutes later, she comes rushing back into the room, slams the door shut, with her back against the door she slides down to the floor and has a sad face on her.    She looked over at me and says, *Papa hurt my feelings!*  When I asked her how he had hurt her feelings she told me, *He won't play with me!*

    A little later, I went out to the kitchen and asked him why he wouldn't play with her.  He said to me, *I was on the pot!* THAT made me laugh.  Later on, Chewlee went out and told him he had hurt her feelings and he told her when he is on the potty, she is NOT to ask him to do things.  When she innocently asked him *why*, he just said, *Because it's a Grampa rule!!*  He DID spend some time with her and Baron out in the yard and she wanted to water the flowers.  He had to remind her that we had a rain storm and she just said, *Oh.  I forgot*.

    She has no idea how much her sitting in my lap and wiggling all over hurts me.  She doesn't even know what pain is like I have in my feet.  Hers don't hurt her so why would she?

    Today she was able to have me spray her room (and closet...can't forget the monster in the closet) with the Ghost and Monster Spray.  When she was told it was for her to take home so the Princess can spray her room tonight, she was thrilled!  First of all, she loves the spray bottle.  Second of all, she loves the way it smells.  And, when she asked me where I got it from, I told her from the *Ghostbuster Store*.    She was impressed although she really doesn't know what or who the Ghostbusters are. 

    I started a bath for her because she really looked like she needed it and she had something sticky in her hair this morning.  I think she got the two popsicles her mother gave her this morning mixed up in her hair.  It is so damn long now...but so gorgeous.  She loves for me to brush it for her now.    Of course, I DID tell her that if she brushes it really, really good every day, it helps it to grow long.  That's what she wants...Rapunzel hair. 

    Her baths are always a real treat.....for her.  It's taken me a year to get her to put her head back correctly and now she also has to help me wash it AND rinse it.  She does, however, insist that I let her help put the creme rinse through it and then let her run her fingers through the long part to get all her tangles out.  That's where she is right now.  She needed the bath anyway since she was outside playing with the Beast and Baron AFTER it rained.  She'll sleep better tonight, too.  Especially with all her ghosts gone. 

    Have a great Sunday everyone.  I will have Chewlee for a bit tomorrow since my niece, who normally takes her on Sunday, has to take back her two kids that have been visiting with her for the past two weeks and meet up with their father.  They meet somewhere halfway between here and the Ohio town where he lives with his folks.  At least tomorrow is a short day, I think.  I hope.    Love you all.