March 27, 2011

  • I Hate People Who Can Do This Kind Of Thing....


    The Princess called me earlier this afternoon to let me know that Johnnycakes might be late picking up Chewlee because she had gotten a text message from him saying that a neighbor had shot her pup who was tethered out in back of her apartment.  I gather another neighbor saw it happen and called to let him know or else he saw Johnnycakes and told him.  All he said to HER in the text was the dog was shot.  Period.  She tried calling him and texting him but he didn't answer either one after HIS text to her so I had to wait to find out what happened. 

    Her pup isn't even a year old and won't be for another three or four months.  It's the cutest little female malamute.  She and Baron love running around our yard together.  She's got a really sweet disposition, too.  Why a neighbor would shoot her is beyond my comprehension.  When Johnnycakes came to pick up Chewlee, he said he found the blood in the back but no sign of the dog anywhere.  The dog was seen running into this area that is heavily wooded and full of briars.  Johnnycakes went over and called for Bailey but not even a yip.  He drove around the area, getting out and calling her, hoping she would come to him....but we all know that supposes that she is still alive.  It just made me nauseous to hear about it.  I am wondering how Chewlee will react to Bailey being gone.  I don't think they will tell her anything more than that Bailey ran away.  She really wouldn't understand any other explanation.

    But how someone could go outside and just shoot a dog that was tethered in someone's back yard, I don't understand.  Especially one as cute and sweet as Bailey.  Actually, I have a difficult time thinking of anyone shooting a dog or a cat even.  Around here, dogs are almost always someone's pet.  I do admit that we get a few *drop-offs* from time-to-time but Bailey wasn't running around free and annoying anyone.  Maybe she was barking and someone got ticked off but that's no acceptable reason.  You go to the neighbor whose dog it is and tell them about your problem.  The kids would have found a way to deal with it but to just up and shoot the dog is totally inexcusable as far as I am concerned.  All we can do now is hope that, if she is only hurt and not dead, she finds her way home again before she IS dead.

    Chewlee and I had a really nice day today.  The bad thing was it was raining; the good thing was she was happy to watch Spongebob on TV and didn't expect to plant her flowers with it raining.  I did, however, run my purple roses out front and put them into the new flower box.  I could have choked the Beast for the surprise he gave me because there was a big bunch of onions sitting in the dirt (with a rubber band around them) that he had put there to keep from drying out until the vegetable garden was ready.  He never mentioned doing that so, at first, I thought he had planted something in there without discussing it first.

    Chewlee spent a lot of time running to the bathroom and I swear it was mostly so she wouldn't even accidentally wet her pants.  But she always had a smile on her face today and was in a cute, playful mood.  At least until I went to put her down for her nap.  Then she got miserable.  However, when she called me and I would come in, she was hiding under her covers and would giggle and laugh when I would pull the cover down over her face so I could see her.  When she first did it, I said, out loud, *Oh...where is Chewlee?  I can't see her.*  Then I would slowly move the cover off from over her face and she would get the biggest kick out of that. 

    She laughed and giggled every time and then would tell me what she wanted.  When she finally fell asleep, she fell asleep HARD.  She was still sound asleep when Johnnycakes got here and I woke her up gently with little kisses and smoothing her hair back off her face.  She didn't want to wake up but she had a sweet smile on her face.  Once, when I kissed her forehead, she brought my hand up to her mouth and kissed it (her eyes were shut because she really didn't want to open them).  I put her flip-flops on her feet and Johnnycakes lifted her up to carry her to the car.  I gave her a hug and she put her head on his shoulder and had her eyes closed again.

    Johnnycakes told her she could finish taking her nap when they got home and he would take a nap, too.  I hope she DID go back to sleep.  I think she needed it.

    The Beast has decided that our vegetable garden is going to be above-ground.  You know, kind of like an above-ground pool is except this is not as deep and has dirt instead of water.    He's doing it in three different sections.  He has one section finished that is 10x2.5...the other two will be 10x4.  That's mainly because he wants to plant corn.I think one will be strictly corn; the other will be for one cantaloupe plant and one watermelon.  This time he IS going to make sure to put the developing melons on top of some plastic boxesor some such thing like farmers do.  Keeps them from rotting and is the reason that the melons always have that one spot on it that isn't either textured or green.

    It has really been storming like crazy and lots of thunder going on outside.  I need to get this posted for now so it will be up for you to read at the proper time.  Love you all and come back tomorrow for more adventures of Chewlee.