April 23, 2007

  • The Son’s Visit and other inconsequentials

    My son showed up bright and early on Saturday. His aim was to help his dad out with any heavy lifting and other theings that still might need to be done to help complete our move. What he didn’t know was that we had done pretty much all the unpacking and it wasn’t needed. He came bearing gifts, however. Some programs for our computers. Why is it that when you have computer techs in your family, nothing you install satisfies them? But he brought me a word processing program I had been wanting since mine was wiped out when the Beast fooled around with my computer. He has this bad habit of crashing my hard drive and I lose so much I value. I really hate it when he touches my computer. Anyone else have that problem?

    Anyway, we talked about the Virginia Tech thing which I avoided writing about because everyone seemed to be doing it. How can you relate to such a tragedy? I remember losing four of my friends to one car accident and how numbing it was. All you can do is pray for the families.

    I loaded up his car with all kinds of goodies. Found out it was just in time. My granddaughter Amy has started doing the family wash and had a *tragedy* occur that caused my son hours of working with acetone just to clean up the dryer. Yep, she washed AND dried a pen in one load. If that wasn’t bad enough, she also dried three other loads without noticing it. Lots and lots of ruined clothes and linens. It reminded me of one time when we were first married that the hubby decided to help me out and do the clothes. He thought bleach was to help make clothes clean. S O…..he put bleach in all the loads, including the dark. He ruined my favorite outfit and I was just heartbroken. His intentions were good but, boy, he never did that again….LOL

    The son has someone that wants to invest in his starting a business and had lots of questions for his father. We ran a very successful business in the Fort Lauderdale area and it has always been my son’s aim to start his own while he’s young. Well, not TOO young since he is in his mid 30′s now. He left with lots to ponder. He’s really reluctant to take in a non-working partner since we had some experience with that and it was costly. He’ll call and let us know what he’s decided when he meets with the potential investor.

    Years ago, when my sons first became involved with computers, their father was positive they would never make a dime on those *damn things*. They were always building and rebuilding them. Of course, at the time they were new and you didn’t have the convenience of just walking in and buying one like we do today. It was interesting times. Years later, the hubby actually apologized to the boys because *they had proved him wrong*. As you may surmise, both my sons work in the trade. Of course, not building them but they are involved in networking, communications, T-1 ‘s, etc. The younger son is the software expert and can also make things work that supposedly won’t. The other son does the more technical end of large scale communications. He just got done wiring up a college that can now handle over 4,000 computers hooked up. I don’t pretend to understand it all but they talk to me and I listen.

    I’m still suffering from that damn back injury of mine. The worst thing is that I can’t get any real relief due to the fact that doctors limit the days they see new patients so I have almost a month left before I can see my new doctor. I hope I live long enough.

    The hubby finally picked me up some tomato plants that I got into my earth box and tomorrow we will finally get the bush beans planted. He’s got his watermelon started but hasn’t decided where he’s going to put it permanently. Decisions, decisions. We have almost an acre of land and he can’t decide where to put the garden.

    I have my hummingbird feeder out because they should be coming back soon. It was such fun to watch them last year. We even had a bully who thought that feeder was HIS….LOL. We also have a bird bath out back that we actually saw a bunch of robins use one day. It was fascinating. This year the hubby says he really is going to take pictures. We shall see. He finally found some pictures he took last year. Turns out it was on his spare computer’s hard drive. He told me he would copy the ones I want so I can send some to family and perhaps post a few.

    Well, I need to get back to bed and try to get some more sleep. I actually slept for six full hours before having to get up but I can never go right back to bed. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I wasn’t in much pain so I managed to get a few things done but now I am tired again. My son got both our printers working on my computer AGAIN….after the hubby screwed THAT up for me and then couldn’t get the installation disks to work properly. Now I can print out some afghan patters I found and bookmarked so I can try them out when I finish the three projects I have going right now.

    Have a great day and stay healthy.

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