April 17, 2007

  • Does the work never end???

    We’ve been in this new house now for darn near a month and we are STILL not finished unpacking. Sheesh! Today I am reorganizing our files in the new file cabinet. Had to make two trips to Staples because, idiot me, I didn’t get the right size hanging files the first time. Hubby is at Lowe’s to find a microwave that will go in place of the hood over our stove. We have limited counter space so we would rather have one there and give our son the one we bought last summer for this house when it was just hubby staying here while I was working back in Florida.

    We also need some additional shelves in our pantries (don’t get excited….they are closet size but don’t have nearly enough shelf space in them). We’re starting out with one additional in each of the two we have but I suspect we will need at least two more. It’s hard to break the habit of stockpiling after living so many years in Florida where that is just good sense in case of a hurricane. We are going to try to cut down on the excess……but don’t hold your breath.

    I’m still in a lot of pain in my back from when I hurt it in Florida just before we moved. I’m beginning to wonder if it will ever get better. I’ve been trying a lot of OTC stuff…Bayer Back and Body, Advil, Aleve and just plain aspirin (the wonder drug) but nothing seems to really help. I’m beginning to despair. Add the hip problem, which has developed a new wrinkle today, and it just seems like I am doomed. The hip is now starting to *click* when I walk. What the heck does that mean?

    I was telling my son some of the things we had for him to take home with him and he decided he had better bring his wife’s Jeep with him to hold it all, especially since he will have at least two of the kids with him. I’ve got sheets, blankets, the microwave (his is so old they figure they get a daily dose of radiation each day as a bonus) and a computer desk chair.

    Finally heard from the granddaughter/daughter that was kind of missing in action. No one had heard from her in a while and we were beginning to wonder if she had her baby early but it seems they were moving into their own place and just trying to get settled. The BF has some control issues so we just weren’t sure what was going on there. It’s one of the reasons I keep my Florida phone number on my cell phone so she won’t have to make a long distance call is she can’t afford her cell phone any more. Now that she’s within five weeks of her due date, she isn’t working any more and she always made more money than the BF. Pray for her. All of us that know him know he is NOT a good person. His father thinks she is a good influence on HIM and I just wish I had his optomism. So far, it’s not been a beneficial relationship for HER. Some of life’s lessons are hard ones.

    I told her the next five weeks or so until that baby was born would be the longest weeks of her life. You get sooooooo tired of hauling that load around, especially if the baby is active. I remember not sleeping well and being exhausted until the *spring cleaning* mode kicked in just before I went into labor. Why do women go through that? It happened with each of my four children and was the one way I KNEW I was finally going to have the baby. You just can’t help it *grin*.

    Well, time to get back to my files. I really had to clean them out. I have some records that go back over 10 years so they need some cleaning out and updating. I hope this time I can keep them more current and organized….but, again, don’t hold your breath.

    Have a great day. I’m going to just try to live through this pain.

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