Month: October 2011

  • Happy Halloween



    Happy Halloween all you ghosts, goblins and super moms.  When I had originally asked Chewlee what she was going to be for Halloween, she told me she was going to be a scary apple!  I laughed when she crouched down and demonstrated how she was going to *walk* while she was in a round apple costume.   Alas!  It was not to be.  Today, after school, her mother  got her all dressed up as an adorable Tinkerbell. 

    One difference was Chewlee wanted face paint on her even if Tinkerbell didn't have any and the Princess satisfied her without too much by putting some scroll-y thing on both sides of her face.  She also got some glitter spray in her hair (and it got on her face and shoulders, too, of course) but she looked adorable.  Chewlee loved her wings most of all and kept looking in the full-length mirror; front first then half turned around so she could see the back.  Off they went and they are meeting up with some friends and going to a mall in Gadsden, I believe.  It will probably take WEEKS to get the glitter out of Chewlee's hair.  Chewlee won't care, of course.  She is enough of a little girl that she likes looking pretty and glitter is pretty to her. 

    I ordered this activity/learning set for Chewlee and the Beast made the comment that she was going to be one smart kid by the time she gets into kindergarten.  She is already very bright and her teachers have all commented about it many times over.  The set is called *Early Learning Fun*.  It has write and erase early learning cards, a ready to write practice pad,, a write and erase marker, a large book with puzzles to solve (memory puzzles), an  A,B,C chart plus a Reward Chart with stickers that you use whenever the child masters one of the lessons.   I think she will enjoy it.  There is also a CD that has a book that goes with it that focuses on pronunciation.  I will let you know how it goes.  I figure we will work on something for 15-20 minutes every day (no TV but after her snack).  That should be long enough.

    The Beast hooked up the utility trailer to the car today and had me verify that the brake lights and turn signals worked.  One didn't at first but he worked on it and got it going so he's all set to pick up the paneling now.  He loved the backup camera feature on the new car to help hook it up although he said it was a bit of a wide angle and made him look further away from it than he thought.  He'll get used to it, I'm sure.

    He also washed the car after getting it dirty from the quick trip to NC.  He told me he had used some kind of shine spray on the inside.  I was barely listening at the time since I had to call the doctor's office to find out why they hadn't sent his new blood pressure prescription to the pharmacy.  He is as bad as a kid with that kind of stuff. 

    Love you all.  Hope you had a fun Halloween. 


  • I'm Late, I'm Late....


    My Internet is acting strange today even though it's only partly cloudy outside.  I will more than likely be late posting because of that.  I will have to wait until I'm sure the problem has passed before I try to post.  I am tired of sending off my blogs into hyperspace. 

    The Beast returned home today.  Yep, early.  I was disappointed but not surprised.  When he told me Auntie Em was very sick, I somehow knew he would hightail it out of there because *he* would start feeling sick.  He's like that.  When I heard Baron's nails on the floor, I wasn't surprised.  Sure enough, he said he had started feeling bad last night when he went to bed so he left this morning *just in case*.

    It always puts a crimp in what I have planned to do around here because he either has to interfere with suggestions or he gets underfoot.  Some people are just like that.  It just means that I have to rethink how to get a few things done now that he's home.  What I could have done in one day will now probably take me two or three.  Oh well.

    I have to tell you something funny.  Chewlee wanted a hot dog for lunch (what a surprise!) and I gave her some Fritos to go with it.  Plus, I promised her some bubble gum after lunch that she was looking forward to getting.  When she got her hot dog, she had this huge smile on her face and she said to me (with enthusiasm)....* A hot dog, some chips, chocolate milk and gum.....PERFECT!*    She DID round out her lunch with an orange she had me peel for her.  She handed me her gum to hold for her until she finished the orange and told me I was just to hold it for her and I was NOT to chew it.  I assured her that I wouldn't.

    The Princess wanted to take Chewlee to the Halloween House but it isn't open during the day.  Instead, they went to a kind of trade show/flea market/4F exhibit.  Chewlee loved the 4F part because they had all kinds of animals there and she even got to pet or touch some of them.  She loves just about all living things (not ants that bite or icky spiders tho/) and kept trying to get us to let her keep a couple caterpillars and worms as pets.  She had to be convinced that they MUST live outside and/or in the ground to survive before she would let them go.

    The Beast is going to take one more day to rest up before he starts back in on the work on the cottage/shed.  Tara had to take a look at the work that was done even though I told her it was no way near ready.  But she noticed all the important things which should tickle the Beast when I tell him.  She will be here on Tuesday so I know she will mention it to him when she is here.

    Love you all.  Hope you had a good weekend and an even better week is ahead for us all. 

  • The Beast Goes Off With His New Love....LOL



    I was sound asleep when suddenly there was light everywhere but over my bed.  It was the Beast, who had gotten up to let Baron outside.  He looked at the clock, discovered it was close to 5am and decided he would leave early for Auntie Em's. He jumped in the shower,got dressed and I decided I had better get off to see him on his way.  Besides, he was being so noisy and I was afraid he would wake Chewlee up.  He claimed he had looked in her room and he didn't see her so he thought she was either sleeping with the Princess or at a friend's house.  I told him she was indeed in her room, asleep.  She was difficult to see because she was buried in her covers. 

    Notice he had concern for waking Chewlee but none for waking ME.  This is my life with the Beast. He got the car running with a click of a button so it would warm up.  It was 40 degrees outside so not frost, thankfully.  Baron was eager to leave.  I kissed the Beast goodbye, told him to be careful and then headed to my computer room.  I just wanted to check on what the dailies were but ended up in a game. 

    I found out that Bratfink was online even that early but she had awakened to go to the bathroom and then stopped at her computer for a few games to relax before heading back to bed.  Like me.  We both finally left and went back to sleep.  The next thing I knew, the Princess woke me up to tell me she was leaving for work. I dragged my butt up and made some fresh coffee to help wake me up.

    Chewlee was in a fantasy play mood and she gathered her animals and the toys required.  In today's case,it meant her backpack, her purse, her little teaching computer and her tile game.  Don't ask me to describe it to you, I just kept an eye on her and heard some of her conversation with her stuffed animals.  It was hilarious.

    I had texted Tara to find out if she was going to the store.  Turned out she was just getting ready to leave.  I gave her a short list of some things I needed and she said she would get them for me and drop them off.  Chewlee got so excited because she hoped she would get to play with Chance but Tara hadn't taken him to the store with her.  I had to ask her because the Princess works a double and then had plans for her and Chewlee after work.  They weren't going to be home tonight.  AND....we are now a one-car family after trading in both the truck and the car for the new SUV (yes, it's considered an SUV even if it's smaller than the old SUV's were).  So, without Tara, I would be stuck tearing up some rags for my wounds.But, now I am stocked up on all my medical needs to take care of them, thanks to Tara.  Oh, and I also got some hot dogs for Chewlee and some bubble gum. 

    She is such a sweetheart.  I hate to ask her but I really would have been stuck.  She poo-poo's my asking her and says it's what she's there for, bless her heart.  OH...OH...gotta tell you.  This is how much he's in love with the car and it's features.  He actually called me (using the Blue Tooth feature in the car) to tell me when he arrived at his aunt's house.    That's a real first.  He doesn't usually bother.   If I call, he always has some lame excuse about why he *forgot* to call. 

    Chewlee decided she wanted a sandwich for dinner tonight and she told me all she wanted on it....two piees of toasted bread, some lettuce, some cheese, ham and pepperoni and some Fritos crumbled on it.   Know what?  I made it up for her, cut it into four squares, gave her a glass of milk and SHE ATE IT ALL!    When she finished, it was bath time.  The Princess came home around 8:15pm while Chewlee was still in the tub.  She was in a rush and kept trying to rush Chewlee and threatening her with staying here because she wasn't fast enough.  Chewlee was in tears most of the time and it was so unnecessary.  I gave her half of a double bubble bubble gum to make her feel better, stop her crying and become more cooperative.  She did.  She was and the threats continued all the way out the door.  The Princess was not in her *mommy mode* so I doubt she will have a good time.  I found out she is going over to Assholecakes house.  I  told her she should know better after everything that's gone on with him but she said nothing was being planned.  If he wanted back in their lives, it was going to have to be a long term thing.  I just rolled my eyes.  I'm hoping her old friend from high school that's in the air force will make a move.  The bad part is that he is going to Korea for a year but they talk on Skype now and text each other.  He's a real cutie but the Princess will get to see him in the flesh when she goes to Port Charlotte next week and find out if he is really as nice as he seems.  She hadn't known him well in high school so ... who knows?

    Time to get this posted.  The skies are kind of *iffy* here and I'm having a little bit of trouble with reception.  I want to get this up while it's good.  Love you all.  Have a great Sunday.  I'm alone!!!  Alone!  Alone!  Tee hee hee.....I'm sleeping in, for sure. 

  • Disappointment?



    I was thinking about how differently people handle disappointment.  I mean both the little and big ones.  Little ones are like when the hubby comes home from shopping and he's forgotten something that was important to you for whatever reason.  Big disappointments are like when you are promised something you wanted and then don't get it for any good reason.  Or when your teenagers get in trouble at school or, god forbid, the police.  Those are major disappointments with your kids or your spouse.

    When the Beast and I had our house in Florida up for sale and it was taking a long time to sell, we had made up our mind that the last cut in price we made was IT and we would keep the house before we went any lower.  Thankfully, it sold.  One of the only things I told the Beast I wanted when it sold was a TempurPedic mattress.  Our mattress was 10 years old anyway and uncomfortable as hell.  I asked when I was going to get it and never got an answer.  Every time he's spent money, I have told him that I asked for just one thing and he's spent thousands on things HE wanted.  It doesn't make a difference to him.  I told you, he MUST control everything and it's not something HE wants so it's not important.

    Major disappointment for me.  First, because I have a major spinal problem that it would help.  Second because it's just another example of how callous the Beast can be about anything *I* want.  The Beast once said to me, *You can always just go and buy what you need, ya know!*  Key word:  *NEED*.  I priced the mattress and it's not cheap.  Even on sale, the price could feed a family of four for several months.  That isn't something that a poor kid from Chicago can easily justify spending without a LOT of thought.  I shop thrift stores as much as I can even though we aren't really poor.  Not yet, anyway, although the Beast seems to be trying his best to put us in the Poor House. 

    So, how do I handle it?  I ask God to not keep any hurt or anger in my heart because it makes a person bitter and I don't want to be that person.  All I ask is that HE (the Beast) dies before *I* do.    Hey, it's the least He can do for me.  I've endured a LOT during my lifetime.  That way I can get my mattress and enjoy it for however long I have left.

    I'm really a person of few needs or wants.  I just want peace and some love in my life.  Happiness comes from within and I am happy most of the time.  It's awful to say but some of my happiest times are when the Beast goes away for a few days.  I can relax and know he's not going to suddenly ruin my day by some unreasonable demand OR trying to blame me for one of HIS mistakes.  And, trust me, he does that.  Even when it's proven it wasn't MY doing, he has never in the 51 years that I have known him (we are married 46 years now) EVER apologized to ME.  EVER.  NEVER.  I've heard him apologize to others so he CAN do it but never, ever to ME.  I don't know why.  Perhaps because I resist being totally under his control in both thoughts and actions.  I have no real idea.  I'm not a psychiatrist.  He's become his own father, whom he detested but even the Brother says it at times.  He can see it, too. 

    With someone like that in my life, I would be a psycho case myself if I didn't know how to handle disappointment.  I just think that things will be okay without whatever it is.  It's not like it's life or death.  With people, you just ask God to help them in their lives to improve their actions and be happy.  Most people disappoint you because you always expect the best from them so when they don't give it, it hurts or bothers you.  You can't blame yourself.  They are responsible for their own actions.  You, however, have to learn to accept them as they ARE.  Not as you wish them to be.  That's sometimes tougher to do but it's possible.  I know. 

    Love you all.  Keep warm.  Stay happy.  Smile as much as you can.  Love with all your heart. 

  • It Was Bound To Happen....



    Around 4am, I felt a nudge on the back of my head.  I thought it was Baron since he's been going out about every two hours and I am the selected victim for letting him out back and then waiting for him to get done.  He's definitely had some kind of internal problem because he was farting up a storm, which is why I had my back to him.  I could bury my face in my pillow when the aroma wafted my way. 

    This time, however, it was Chewlee.  She had her blankie with her.  I turned, helped her climb into bed with me and covered her up.  She snuggled in and went back to sleep.  She must have kicked off her covers because she felt cold to me.  I warmed her up and felt her relax.  Later, when the dog needed out again, I had to crawl over her and this woke her up.  I told her to go back to sleep, I just had to let Baron out.  When Baron came back in, I saw it was after 5am so I went and lay down in my recliner with the door open so Baron could wake me if he needed to.  I have no idea when Chewlee came and woke me up but I put her back into her own bed.  She kept saying she was afraid of the dark in there so I turned on the closet light and opened one of the doors for her.  I also left her bedroom door open.  I made sure she was covered up well, kissed her goodnight and told her I loved her.  She whispered, *I love you, too, Grandma* then turned on her side and closed her eyes.

    The Beast had to get up early so that he could drive up to Huntsville to get the trailer hitch installed on the car.  I'm sure he will be stopping at Publix on his way home to get some of their good bread and some lunch meats.  When the Princess gets home, we will both decide what will be made for dinner.  It'll be something with chicken breasts, I know.  I run out of ideas and hope the Princess might come up with something different.  I guess I should buy that cookbook I once saw that had 100 different recipes for chicken in it.  I think it also had a companion recipe cookbook with 100 ideas for hamburger.    I should have grabbed them when I saw them because I haven't seen them since.  Oh well.  C'est la vie!

    The Princess had thought that Chewlee would get up during the night and want her mommy.  I told her that Chewlee wouldn't go out in the cold, down those stairs and over to the cottage/shed.  She would just crawl into bed with me.  It hadn't happened though until last night.  It won't be the last time.  I just hope the next time Baron doesn't have the runs or whatever it was that had him heading out so much.  He usually doesn't go out at all during the night.  It's only when he's been fed something that doesn't agree with him.  We get enough warning with his farting at least.

    I have two comforters on Chewlee's bed because I worry about her (actually anyone) getting cold.  I want her to be warm and comfortable so she sleeps well at night and doesn't give her mother a problem when she wakes her in the morning for school.  If I could stop her from sleeping so restlessly and kicking the covers off her sometimes, I would.  That's why I like to buy her the one piece sleepers with feet in them.  Then, if she does kick off her covers, she would still keep warm.  We have the little heater in her bedroom and that keeps the temperature from dropping too much but it's not too warm or you don't sleep well.  At least, *I* don't and neither does the Beast.  I'm assuming it's the same for most people.

    Love you all.  Have a great day!  It's Friday and the end of the regular work week for most people.  Have a little fun.  Visit the people you love or call them on the phone.  Tell them you love them.  Life can be so unexpected at times and even shorter than we think. 

  • A Little Of This, A Little Of That....



    If you are a cook, you know what is meant by *a little of this...*   It's sometimes impossible for us to give a recipe because many of our recipes are ones that we have embellished with *a little of this, a little of that* according to our own tastes. 

    I don't think the Princess understood this when she was younger and learning to cook but she learned and has recipes of her own that she can't fully reduce to specific amounts of some ingredients.  I've watched her and know she, too, has developed her own *twists* to some recipes.  We all have them.

    I think what I hate is when we try a new recipe and aren't satisfied with the taste so we start adding this and that.  When it turns out well,at the back of our mind we are thinking, *Gee, I hope I can remember everything I added...*   I can't tell you how many times that my family has loved a recipe and my heart sank because I wasn't sure of everything I added.  You just do the best you can and cross your fingers.

    I got dinner ready today.  Cube steaks in an onion and fresh mushroom gravy.  I usually make mashed potatoes with it but it was just the Beast and I so I just boiled some potatoes for a change of pace.  We had corn and some apple sauce.  I don't know why the Beast buys such huge jars of it.  I don't think he realizes that it starts to ferment after a time once it's opened.  Not that the jar we have has yet but I think it won't last too much longer.  I need to have him pick up some more cottage cheese and maybe some peaches.  Even Chewlee loves cottage cheese if I add peaches to it.  I could eat cottage cheese three times a day.  I have no idea where my liking for it came from.  When I was a kid, I didn't like it.  If Mom gave me some, it was sheer torture getting it down.  Now, I love it.  I especially like the large curd.  I have several different recipes using cottage cheese in it that kids love and don't even realize it's good for them. 

    The Beast has decided that he is going to take a trip up to see Aunt Em.  She's really getting up in years and we don't know how much longer it will be that she's with us.  Besides, (as I said to him) it will give him a chance to really test drive his new love and he can show it off to her.  He got the Blue Tooth working in it and was surprised that it had downloaded all his phone numbers.  He thought he would have to put them in individually.  He tested it out on me and then had me call HIM to make sure he could answer an incoming call.  So he's safe and hands free now when he talks on the phone while driving.

    He's only going because he's been waiting for the trailer hitch to come into the dealer's so he can use his utility trailer to pick up the large sheets of paneling for the cottage/shed.  So he gets this bright idea about calling a place in Huntsville that might actually have it in stock.  Not only did he find a place but the cost of it was over $200. less.    He's going to have it installed tomorrow but will still go.  He's been pushing himself hard the past couple of weeks and needs to have a little rest and relaxation. 

    I'm having more good days than bad ones with my feet this past week or so.  I am just counting my blessings and have a *stiff upper lift* about the pain.  I can't keep off my feet constantly because so much doesn't get done if I don't do it.  Plus there's Chewlee.  She is so damned active and needs a lot of attention, if only to ensure that she doesn't get herself into trouble.  She is still pushing the limits at times.  You can't let down your guard at all and relax because if you let her get away with something once, it will take ten times longer to get her to stop.  Kids!!!

    Love you all and hope you had a wonderful day.  Be good.  Be happy.  Remember to say *Love you* to those you do.  Life is shorter than you know. 

  • The Beast Is Having An Affair.....LOL



    ....and it's not even with a woman!  It's with a CAR!  He is so in love with it, he can't tear himself away from it.  I kid you not.  He's constantly in it or driving it to discover what new things he can or to adjust something.  He's also in love with the Sirius radio and had me checking to see what it was going to cost to renew it when our subscription to it runs out.  He started using the Blue Tooth feature and is just blown away by how easy it is to use and how clear it is.  Sheesh!  How can a mere flesh and blood woman compete with THAT???

    The idea of having OnStar really appeals to him, too.  Although he doubts that he will want the full package that we have right now.  We don't need turn by turn instructions.  We have our GPS and the cost difference isn't worth it.  We aren't the type of people that require step-by-step, although some older people will benefit by it, I'm sure.

    I took my first ride in it and the Beast was so happy to show me features I didn't know we had.  Like the sunroof opening up.  It slides away so you feel a lot like you are riding in a convertible.  It's mainly the amount of wind that you get.  You are still not as exposed but you get the idea.  It sure made the Beast feel great.

    Baron is healing well from his hives and the supposed spider bite.  Although the Beast has had to hide his meds in a hot dog, Baron gets excited when he sees the Beast has one in his hand.  This morning he darn near snatched it out of the Beast's hand.    The Beast went out first thing this morning to Petsmart and bought a special cover for the backseat so that no doggie hairs or dirty paw prints would get on the seats.  It's too good for the blankets we used on the old car. 

    Chewlee had a wonderful time with her *other* grandfather, did I tell you?  She is still talking about it today and I got to see the *jewelry* and her sun glasses and these little figures that came in plastic balls.  She is tickled with all of them because they can go in the tub with her and she's got a bunch she can play with.  With her imagination, she will have oodles of fun.

    Love you all.  Have a great day and I wish you good weather.  Be happy. 

  • Have You Ever......?



    Have you ever awakened and been confused as to whether or not you are waking from a night's sleep or if you were taking a nap?  If it happens at night, do you immediately look for a clock to find out if you are just waking up very early or have just been asleep a few hours?  As I get older, I find that these are things that happen to me on occasion.  I woke up one day in my recliner and, still half asleep, I wasn't sure if I had slept all night or was taking a nap since I have done both in my recliner in recent days.  But the very idea that I could be that confused was not a pleasant thought at all.

    An uncle of the Beast's said on my 40th birthday that getting old was not for the weak of heart.  You look in the mirror and realize that what you are seeing is not the image in your memory.  When you think of yourself, it's usually the *you* that you were at some age between 18 and 25.  It depends on the age you were happiest but it's always when you were fairly young.  You may think you have made a comfortable transition to being old(er) but at heart we are all young and carefree.  That's why it's so difficult to realize one day that you just can't DO many things that you thought nothing abut doing at one time.  Would you try a back flip now?  Or even a back bend? 

    I don't know about you but I'm not up to it.  In fact, I would have to say that some things would scare me to try these days.  I am scared of breaking something.  A rib, a leg or arm.  How about a wrist?  I broke mine throwing my arm out to break a fall when I KNEW better.  I should never have done it but it's kind of an automatic reflex.  I used to do back flips and back bends so easily.  But I was young, flexible and fearless.  I did gymnastics with enthusiasm and a zest for life that I've lost now and it saddens me.  Not that I want to do gymnastics or back flips but I hate the idea that I can't do them now.  I wish that once we were able to do something, we could do it our whole life.

    Some things you CAN.  Painting comes to mind.  I find that I have problems with doing fine lines or small areas on a figurine nowadays.  My hands will sometimes shake or else my eyes don't focus as well as they did prior to my needing glasses.  Some days I feel like my glasses need glasses.  laughing

    I tire easily.  Where I once could handle a five mile hike up a mountain to see some special waterfall or an area where wild life is prevalent with a five minute stop once or twice.  Now I know that trying it would probably kill me.   

    We dug into our savings today and bought ourselves a new car...American.  We traded in two Toyotas....our Corolla and our Tundra.  We were shocked at how much they allowed us on them.  It made buying the new car almost a *must*.  It's a Chevrolet Equinox and it's loaded with goodies.  It has a sunroof that has a panel that slides over it if you don't want sun to shine on you due to it's position. It has a dash board that looks like something that belongs in an airplane.  We have Onstar for six months anyway, Blue tooth, front seats that have all sorts of adjustments via electronics, a steering wheel that not only adjusts up and down but also back and forth.  The seats are heated.  The rear window has both wipers on it and also a window washer.  Onstar provides the turn by turn directions to any place we want to go like a built-in GPS.   It means it is always up-to-date so you aren't surprised by some road alterations.  It's one hell of a car.  The only thing that *I* dislike is that it's white.  sad  I would have liked a color for a change.  I DO like the fact that the interior is black, however.   It's a nice shade (if black can be considered to have shades), too.  We have Sirius radio for a year.  There are so many features that I can't remember them all.  A nice DVD player, too, and it holds several DVD's at a time.

    If you can't tell, I really like this car.  Even the key is incredible.  You can open the doors touching one button and start the car with another.  You don't have to worry about someone jumping in your running car because it won't move without the key being inserted in the dash.  It has a hatchback so there is another button that opens THAT for you.  Lots and lots of goodies.  We used to have a Toyota Corona that was *loaded* at the time.  It was a nice, comfortable car and I hated when the Beast traded it in without any discussion beforehand.  The Corolla was uncomfortable and had very little in the way of goodies.  I'm glad to see that one gone.    The new car will make traveling so comfy for us.  We DO like to travel.  This car is also a flex-fuel car so we can use the really cheap ethanol (85% ethanol) where it's available.  I looked it up and we don't have a station with it that's really close to us but we can check it on our laptop as we move from state to state.  I have no idea what the price difference is but the Beast apparently does.

    I'm just waiting for the Princess to get home with Chewlee.  She left to go meet up with a friend who is celebrating their divorce being final today.  They will have dinner and then meet up with the paternal grandfather to bring Chewlee home before they (the Princess and her friend) head out to a movie.  I'm on babysitting duty and that means a fresh 2-liter size bottle of Mudslide.  **Grin**  I told the Princess that next time I want vodka.

    The Beast bought one of those fabric softener thingys that you attach to the dryer drum instead of having to use the liquid in the washing machine.  It smells wonderful and, of course, the Princess is the first one to take advantage of it with a load of clothes she had to dry today.  I'm going to use it for my bedspread that currently smells like Baron (still).  Hopefully, it will finally get the doggie smell out of it once and for all.

    Love you all and I wish you a fantastic *hump day*.  Just a couple days now til the weekend.  I hope you are enjoying some of this nice weather we have here.  It's like Indian summer.  Not too hot, not too cold but nice and cool for sleeping at night.  **Sigh**  I wish this were our winter. 

  • A Surprise For Chewlee



    I think I am coming down with a cold.  It feels and sounds like it although the bouts of coughing aren't really close together.  Oh well, we shall see.

    Today was one of the Princess's days off and she was busy trying to make Mount Stinky disappear from the bedroom.  She has tomorrow off work, too, so I am hoping it will become Stinky Hill or disappear all together.  After she picked up Chewlee from school, she announced that she had a big, big surprise for her later.  The Princess had bought and made some of those Pillsbury sugar cookies for Halloween.  She surprised Chewlee with one and she was so tickled over the image of the pumpkin on it.  She went and got herself another one and brought one for me too because, as she told me, *she shares*.  laughing

    The big surprise was her paternal grandfather.  He is back from Afghanistan now and was coming up here to see Chewlee, take her shopping at the Osh Gosh outlet (Chewlee loves the clothes there and so does her mother), and keep her overnight.  No school for her tomorrow, I'm sure and he will probably take her to buy some books and/or toys at one of the big department stores around us tomorrow before he meets up with the Princess to bring her back. 

    Chewlee will be going down to his house in the Florida Panhandle for a week sometime in the next two weeks.  Her mother, the Princess, will be driving down to Port Charlotte for a get-together with some of her friends there and will pick up Chewlee on her way back home.  It will seem strange not to have either of them around for a week but it will be nice for them both to get away for awhile. 

    The Beast took Baron in to the vets this morning and discovered the poor dog had what looks like hives on his muzzle and a few other places.  He also had a bug bite, most likely a spider bite, on his muzzle, too.  The poor thing has two different pills he has to take twice each day.  The Beast had to hide them in some food and he hand fed it to him.  BUT.....within an hour, the dog was seriously better.  shocked  He's not constantly rubbing his muzzle all over because of itching.  One of the medications is a steroid and the Beast said, *What?  He's going to get even bigger?*  But the meds are only for five days, thankfully.  I hope it helps him.  If it's really hives on his muzzle, we will have to try to find out what it is that is affecting him that way.

    Well, it's nice and quiet here now so I am going to go play a few games on Pogo.  Hope your week started out well and continues that way.  If not, I hope it improves.  Love you and I wish you happiness. 

  • Chewlee's First Night By Herself That She Knows About



    This morning the Princess told Chewlee that she was now going to have the bedroom they have been sharing all to herself.  She would be going to bed and have the whole bed to herself!  Chewlee flashed a big grin but....she did have questions.  Mostly *Why?*  She liked having her mother sleep with her.  However, I found it very easy to get her to bed tonight.  I announce her bedtime as *...after (insert cartoon show's name here) is over, it's bedtime.  So when it's over, I immediatly click to one of *my* stations so she knows it is now MY time.

    She had her bath, her hair was brushed free of snarls and braided, she brushed her teeth and then the Beast handed her a dish of ice cream.  stunned  bitter  She had on the flannel nightgown I made for her last year (pink, ruffled collar, cuffs and bottom).  Cute.  She got some of the chocolate ice cream (she had vanilla, chocolate and strawberry) on her nightgown and told me in a pained voice, *Oh no!  I got ice cream on my beautiful dress (?) and I'll NEVER get it out!*  Cracked me up.  Like she does her own wash.  laughing A few minutes later, she got another couple of drops on it and then she told me she just couldn't sleep in that dress.  I got her a set of warm pajamas, she changed, got into bed and I read her a bedtime story.  I forgot to make her go to the bathroom before bed so she was up about 15 minutes later.  She did, however, lay down and not play like she often does.  I'm hoping it's because she is really tired. 

    I got such a kick out of her.  She mostly watches NickJr. and their programming is a lot like preschool activities being encouraged.  There's music and singing and kids are encouraged to dance or do different exercises.  They just make it all fun for the kids watching.  Chewlee included.  She was up on her feet, dancing around or laying on the floor doing different exercises to music.  It was really cute and I thought it just might help to tire her out. I tried not to let her know I was watching because she would stop in embarrassment.  It's darn near every show she watches that has the kids *interact* with them.  I really like that channel especially the total lack of advertising on it.  Way to go, Nick Jr.!!!! 

    Love you all.  Hope you had a great day and an even better week.  It's raining out so I need to get this posted.  Be good and remember to smile ..... a lot.