Month: November 2010

  • Chewlee Tells Me About My Christmas Tree....


    On the drive home from Chewlee's preschool, the town has already started putting up some of the more noticeable Christmas decorations.  At one corner, where we stop to wait for a light, they have two *trees* made out of all lights.  You've seen them many times.  Just straight rows of white lights in a cone shape with a Christmas star on top.  Now that it's darn near dark when I pick her up before 5pm, these particular ones are lit.  That led to Chewlee talking about Christmas and putting up Gramma's tree.  She said to me, *Can I help you AGAIN, Gramma?*  I emphasized the *again* because it startled me.  I had no idea she remembered helping me decorate our tree last Christmas.  She was only 2-1/2 and it was probably the first Christmas she actually remembers.  I just had no idea that she retained those memories without the reminders being out for her to see and jog her memory.

    When I told her she couldn't do much to help but I would save her some of the ornaments to put on the tree, she looked at me, startled and said, *I CAN'T!!!!*  I asked her why she couldn't and she said.....*Do you want the tree to FALL ON ME???*  I had to laugh even though she was so serious.  I assured her that I would hold the tree so it wouldn't fall down on her.  I had forgotten that she tried to hang an ornament too high on the tree last year and it almost fell down on top of her but I guess SHE hadn't.  So, she looked at me, very serious and, dropping her voice, she said, *You have to wait for me to be here, Gramma.  It's important.*

    I don't think I've told you about Chewlee and her *trying out* various new words for her.  I think what surprises me the most is that she seems to use them correctly.  She's used *marvelous*, *gorgeous*, *important*, *beautiful*, *amazing* and *handsome* to name a few of the latest ones.  She obviously hears them and likes the sound of them.  I've used words or she's heard some on television that she will ask me about and I try to tell her what they mean in a way she understands.  She will tell me if she understands....well, she tells me if she DOESNT understand.  I then find her using those and other words she is hearing in other places over the next week or so.  Sometimes, the Princess and I talk about these and it amazes us.  Even the Beast notices it and that's saying something.

    I've often said that kids notice and remember more than we give them credit for and I can point to Chewlee and say, *See?*   Think about that and be careful what you do and say around young children.  You just never know......    Both the Princess and I have the same problem and that's when we drop something or burn ourselves or do something dumb, we will say, *Shit!* or *Oh shit!*  Now that may be on the mild side as far as swearing goes but, of course, Chewlee picked THAT one up right away.    We had no idea until the first time she dropped something and out of that innocent little mouth comes....*Oh shit!*   The correct usage was shocking enough but then came the guilt and the telling her that little girls don't talk like that. 

    I hoped that she didn't use it at school since I could almost envision the ripple effect of THAT on the students, especially if the teachers made too big a deal out of it.  But, what can you do?  You just try to watch yourself after that so you don't encourage it. 

    UPDATE ON SHEEPIE:  This is all via the Princess since she and Sheepie text back and forth all the time.  But, when Sheepie called to let her father know not to meet her at the bus station because she was with her mother, his reaction was different from what *I* expected.  He said, *Well, good for you.* 

    The Beast claims he felt that would be the reaction because the father's attention and actions was totally on himself the past few months and NOT Sheepie.   Plus, she is old enough to make that kind of a decision for herself and he had to have realized it might happen, especially in light of recent events.  So...phew...a bullet dodged there for everyone and it makes things a lot easier.

    Time to get this posted and ready for you to read later.  Love you all and stay warm, stay healthy and be safe.  Get those Christmas decorations up and ready.  I will get some ready tomorrow since I won't have Chewlee to pick up and more on Saturday, weather permitting.  Deck the halls......! 

  • Can I Shoot It To Put It Out Of MY Misery?


    A couple things occurred today that set the tone for why I spent most of the day in my computer room.  First of all, the Beast started telling me about a high end camera (which I will not name here) that they have come out with a new camera model that has a built-in flash that is not dedicated to anything.  He then tells me they are asking $41K for it, sans lenses or anything else.  I have to admit, it was early for me and I was barely through a half cup of coffee but I told him (quote):  **I SWEAR to you (Beast), if you even THINK about buying another camera or ANYTHING at this point, I will take one of those new guns and shoot you dead and take my chances with a jury of my peers!!!!!!!**

    He laughed and said he wasn't even considering it and I told him that it had better remain that way for his own good.  I was not kidding at that point.  I am just so sick of his self-centered, self-interest that seems to dart everywhere these days.  If it continues to happen, I may consider discussing it with his doctor and finding out if there could possibly be a brain malfunction.  He might need some serious confinement or something.  Sheesh!

    The second thing that happened was his whining.  I was sitting there, blowing my nose and feeling miserable and, of course, it's all about HIM as usual.  No concern on his part nor any notice that things are not the same for me.  Oh no!  That would be too HUMAN an emotion.  And I was already feeling a bit homicidal so I figured I had best stay in my room before the feeling grew any stronger.  At least he's been smart enough not to make any cracks to me about anything.  He's even tried to be helpful by emptying the dishwasher (not that there was much in it) while he waited for his tea water to boil.  I think he knows that he might have gone a bit too far today.

    I will say this hit me just hard enough to bring on an IBS episode.  I haven't been able to get far from my room because of it anyway.  I spent today trying not to think that the Beast did it to me on purpose to make me nuts since he wasn't getting any sympathy from me any more on his flu.  I think he's pushed that as far as it can go with me and he is getting better even if it isn't in great increments.  Once he starts his whining, I call it quits.  If he's well enough to whine, he's on the mend.  End of story and any possible sympathy.

    I am glad I didn't have to worry about Chewlee today so I could try resting and relaxing.  I needed to calm down and just not think about anything much to try to get over this IBS episode as soon as possible.  When I have to run to the bathroom, I really MUST RUN!  Otherwise, it is a real disaster.  You will have to trust me on that part because that is all I am going to say on the subject.

    It got up to a balmy 53 degrees (and sunny) here today.  I say that tongue-in-cheek because only 90 degree heat would have agreed with me when I feel like I did today.    Tomorrow will actually have a high and low in the lower 50's due to some rain heading our way.  Then it's more highs in the 50's and low's under freezing.  THAT will be the start of our true winter here.  I am sooooo not looking forward to it.  The only thing that works for me is the Holidays starting now.  Decorating, making cookies, sending out Christmas cards....those are all activities that will keep me going for a while.  Then I will be staring out the windows looking for signs of spring.

    Oh well.  Time to get this ready to send down the Internet for you to read later.  I know it's Monday and that sucks if you work for a living but...chin up!  Smile, laugh, hug someone that you care about or that might just need a hug and keep safe and warm.  Love you all. 

  • Sheepie Heads For Her Mom's


    Even though I didn't sleep much at all Friday night, I got up right after the alarm went off at 6am to find out that Sheepie was already up and in the shower.  It was 29 degrees outside so you know I wasn't looking forward to being exposed to that.

    Suffice it to say that I put the address to the bus station in the GPS because, although I have been there a time or two, I don't think once or twice a year qualifies it for remembering the way.  I sure didn't want to take any chances since Sheepie was excited about going to her mother's for once.

    We stopped and grabbed something to eat at McD's on the way there for Sheepie and still had time to just sit and talk before the station opened.  While we were inside, waiting for the guy to get ready to issue tickets, wouldn't you know it but her father calls her?  He must have been getting home from being out all night and figured he would call Sheepie before he went to bed so she wouldn't wake him up later...just in case she decided to call him for some unknown reason.  His parting shot was, *Well, I'll see you tomorrow night!* 

    She told me she was going to call him and tell him not to bother driving down to Tallahassee tomorrow night because she had decided to go to stay with her mother.  I know I sure wouldn't have wanted to be party to THAT conversation but I was surprised not to hear from the cretin.  Sheepie said he just got a new phone and he didn't have hardly any numbers in the new phone.  He didn't want anyone to have the new number and he kind of depended on Sheepie having any numbers he might not have.  She didn't bother leaving any laying around so she doubted he had either my number or the Beast's.  Que sera, sera!  We shall see what happens. 

    She had a layover in Nashville so I gather Marcus Aurelius, her uncle and perhaps her cousin, little Marcus, was going to meet up with her there so they could at least see her for an hour or so.  Then it would be on to her mother's by dinner time.

    It warmed up to a whole 38 degrees today but at least it was bright and sunny outside.  I wore my down coat and was plenty warm enough.  Chewlee and I watched movies about dinosaurs after the kids programs she liked were over.   She was tickled pink that I had remembered to get more salami, which she thinks I only get for her.  That's what she wanted for lunch and she sure ate enough of it.  The bad part is the garlic gives her diarrhea, I think.  At least, I'm pretty sure that's what did it to her when she fell asleep while watching TV this afternoon.

    She was cute telling me that I had to tell her *yes* when she asked me a question.  She wouldn't tell it to me until I said *yes*.  I refused so she told me to hold my head still and she tried to shake it *yes* for me.  That became a game that then got into me insisting she had MY ears and I wanted them back.  The Beast caught us in my recliner, both giggling and laughing over her trying to take HER ears from me and vice versa.  It was only a short time later that the Princess showed up early to pick her up.  I had no idea she had gone in early since the Beast was here and watched Chewlee until I got home.

    BTW, the Beast is still sick.  He was weak and pale by the time I got home and headed for bed as soon as I got my coat off and hung up.  I didn't see or hear from him for five hours.    I know!  I keep reminding him he should be drinking a lot of liquids but he ignores me even though I told him that is why so many OLD people end up in the hospital or dead....from dehydration.  He thinks he knows best so I have stopped arguing with him.  He will never change or learn.

    Got to get this posted now.  It's late and I apologize for that.  Once Chewlee left, I fell into an exhausted kind of sleep to make up for what I lost last night.  I was up long enough to grab a sandwich and then fell asleep again. 

    Another cold day tomorrow but it is supposed to warm up into the 50's.    That high, huh?    Love you all.  Stay warm, stay safe and have a nice Sunday. 

  • He's Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired.....


    ...and, frankly, I would prefer he either gets worse or better myself.   Right now I am freezing my buns my own house, no less.  I am in my computer room with the baseboard heater on and would think about putting on the little space heater except I wouldn't want to take the chance it will blow the circuit.    I have a lot of stuff on in this room.  So, I have a warm robe wrapped around my legs since there is a bit of a cool breeze hitting it from the vent and my short, warm robe on.  It's 26 degrees outside and windy.  To me, that spells *hibernate*....LOL but I have to drive Sheepie to the bus station in Huntsville tomorrow morning for the trip up to her mother's house.  I know the shit is gonna hit the fan over this but the Beast feels it should be done.  That means the Beast is going to have to watch Chewlee in the morning until I get back but she's fairly easy in the early part of the day.   Just give her some juice or chocolate milk and turn on Sponge Bob and she's happy.  Especially if she gets Papa's chair and TV (it's the big screen HDTV).  What's not to like? 

    Me?  I'll be cold, even in the car.  I'll probably dig out my gloves in the morning so I can keep the arthritis from flaring on me and making me more miserable.  It also means I need to get to bed early tonight because I have to get up at 6am so I can get Sheepie up and ready for us to leave by 7am at the latest.  I need to go through a drive-thru somewhere to grab us something to eat since there's nothing close to the bus station where we could grab something once we get her ticket picked up.  Actually, it's more for her.  At that time of the morning, all *I* want is some HOT coffee and lots of it. 

    I have no idea what the kids are doing tonight.   At first Sheepie and the Princess talked about going bowling but then there was some discussion about whether or not that would fly with the guys, then Sheepie admitted she wasn't really crazy about bowling.  So, they might just be playing cards at the Princess's as an end result and giving each other a hard time about stuff they did as kids.  There's no telling how long before we get to see Sheepie again.  Especially if her *father* manages to find his way to our house around the next big holiday and waits in ambush.  This guy is a real piece of work.  He kidnapped her once; why would he stop at a second time?  Especially IF, heaven forbid, Sheepie and Buttmunch were both happy?  That would eat him down to the bone!

    Well, my mind is half frozen and my nose is running so I will cut this missive short for now.  Love you all and, remember, stay warm, dry and happy....wherever you are. 

  • Well Fed And Tired


    There really wasn't any rush this morning to get everything ready.  Sheepie and I paced ourselves well and she was really helpful in putting together everything.  She did the green bean casserole while I took care of the oyster dressing and the regular dressing.  She also helped make the sweet potato casserole and had fun breaking up the pecans with a meat tenderizer.  Since she loves both dishes, she at least has an idea now about how to make them in the future.  We both peeled potatoes and got everything in the oven so that it would be ready to put on the table between 3pm and 3:30pm.

    The Beast decided to do the turkey out in the garage and, from the amount of smoke, it was probably a smart idea.  Everything came out at the perfect time and I had already mashed the potatoes before the rest came out of the oven.  All that was left was the dinner rolls and for the Beast to bring in the turkey when it was done.

    However.........the Beast took a few pictures today of Sheepie, the Princess, Chewlee and Johnnycakes.  I haven't seen the pictures of Sheepie yet but the ones of Johnnycakes, the Princess and Chewlee came out great.  There's also a cute one of Johnnycakes picking up the Princess in his arms that was supposedly a joke but came out so good they wanted a copy of it.  When the Beast gets done with all his maneuvering, I'll have him send me them so I can post them here for you.

    So, he's busy checking out the pictures and the table is set, the food is on it and I got into the bedroom (where his desk and computer are) to ask him when the turkey was going to be ready.  I thought he had figured it out to get on the table together with the rest of the food.  He looks at me and says, *What does the kitchen timer say?*  Duh!  It had gone off just before I went in to ask about the turkey but I had no idea that's what the timer was for.  So, the Beast runs out into the garage to get the turkey out of the deep fryer.  I grabbed the platter and took it out to him so he wouldn't be dripping any grease on the garage floor.

    End result?  Even if the turkey was in for a couple minutes longer than planned, it was perfect.  Johnnycakes remarked that he didn't like dry breast meat so he was surprised at how moist and tasty it was.  The Beast gave credit to the injected seasoning and the overnight *marinating* in the fridge.  **Grin**

    We all ate well and were so full that everyone was opening up the waistlines of their pants.  The Princess had a vest on with a wide belt and that got taken off, too.  It's form fitting and her *form* was bulging.    She said it felt too tight and was uncomfortable. 

    Chewlee just picked at everything before leaving the table.  When she got hungry later, I gave her some turkey and she kept dipping it in gravy just because she likes dipping things.  She loves dipping her strawberries in chocolate and her chicken nuggets in Ranch dressing.  Yes, she pretty much thinks that Ranch dressing is for the chicken but also....surprise!....tastes good on her salad. 

    The girls cleaned up and put the leftovers in containers for me but I had to put them in the fridge because things needed to be moved around for them to fit.  The kids played cards at the table once Sheepie's new boyfriend came over.  Sheepie was surprised because she wasn't expecting him.

    The only misfortune of the day was when the Princess went to make some frozen mudslides.  The blender broke.  It didn't really upset me (and the Princess managed to save most of the mudslide ) because I really never liked it.  The Beast bought it and there was something about it that bothered me.  It wasn't just that the container was heavy glass, either.  Has that ever happened to you?  The Princess felt bad because she knows the Beast likes to make his milk shakes and said she has two blenders at home so she would bring me one of them.

    Chewlee is spending the night here with us because her mother has a 7am meeting and it would mean waking up Chewlee really early and dropping her off at preschool by 6am or so.  If she stays here (and that's what she told her mother she wanted to do), she can sleep until 7:30am or so and be at school by 9.  That seems more reasonable to me.

    Cinderella called to wish us all a Happy Thanksgiving and talked on the phone with Chewlee for a minute or so.  Tara came by and brought an offering of Texas sheet cake, I think she said.  All I know is that it's chocolate and it looks delicious.  I'll have some of that (small piece) before I go to bed tonight.  I've been very good about watching what I have been eating and the size of each portion.  Plus, I eat slowly and drink water in between.  It's easy when you have people you can talk to while dinner is on. 

    Tara tried some of the turkey and pronounced it nice and moist but she had to go home to finish making her dinner.  She didn't want to end up eating two big meals when she's trying to diet and lose weight.

    Well, I am falling over tired right now but I still have one more load of serving dishes to go into the dishwasher once it's done with the load in it.  Chewlee insisted she needed to help so I passed her the silverware and let her put it into the basket for it.  By the time she put everything in it to her satisfaction, I was done and it was ready to go. 

    Love you all and I hope you had a great day.  If you work today, TGIF!!!!!!!!!   

  • Tired Already And Not Even Half Done....LOL


    First, the Beast is still not doing well but he IS eating and starting the complaining.  That definitely means he is on the mend.  He is not spending QUITE as much time sleeping but he still looks like he's 90 years old.  Each time he gets hit with something, it ages him just a bit more and he has less stamina than before.  But, he's stubborn so he goes on.  I have no doubt he will still be here with us for quite a while to come.

    Chewlee is loving having Sheepie around.  However, Sheepie has a *boyfriend* here and he's been spending time here at the house with her.  He also took her out on Tuesday evening to spend some time with a few of his friends.  I guess he took a lot of teasing and so did she.  She liked them all except for one guy.  He's handicapped, in a wheelchair, and he is one of those that thinks his disability gives him the right to be rude and nasty.  She had a hard time biting her tongue since these were all people new to her and she didn't want to be a b*tch.  She DID react to his calling this one girl that's pregnant *fat*.  She told him, *Oh, does that make you feel better about that roll of fat around YOUR waist?*  Maybe it doesn't make all that much sense but it was better than some remarks she really wanted to make to him.

    They left to go to the show a bit ago.  He's taking her to see some movie like the Unforgettables (?), I believe she said.  She tried to kid him into taking her to this other show that's a *chick flick* but he refused.  He did it nicely and she laughed and told him she wouldn't do that to him anyway.  He's a nice guy.  Reminds me a bit of Johnnycakes (who was a bit startled to find him here picking up Sheepie.  I guess the Princess hadn't told him about it.).  He whispered to me, *I went to school with him..  What's he doing here?*  I told him he was taking Sheepie to the show and he just laughed and shrugged.

    The guy is nice but SHORT.  I think Sheepie is about 3 inches taller than he is.  He's a Junior in college and going for his teaching certificate.  He wants to teach history.  That kind of surprised me until I realized that it meant he would teach in a high school environment.   He wouldn't have to deal with young kids that might actually be a lot taller than he is AND not have the experience to keep their mouths shut about someone's stature.  Of course, there's no guarantee that high school kids would be less rude but....! 

    Sheepie made some pumpkin bread today.  It was a kit I bought at Walmart a couple weeks back.  I meant to give her some nuts to add but forgot.  Doesn't matter now because it turned out great.  Very tasty.  She made two loaves but the Beast managed to burn one (and the loaf pan it was sitting on to cool down).  *I* made the mistake of leaving it on the stove top.  He wanted to heat some water for tea and managed to turn on the wrong burner.  **Insert eyeroll here**  We've only had the stove for about four years and he makes that stupid a mistake.  By the time we all smelled something burning, the loaf was inedible.  The bottom was burned right to the bottom of the bread pan and the taste was ruined.  I'm just glad there were TWO or her feelings would have been really hurt.

    I made the pumpkin pie and it looks wonderful.  Right now, I am cooking up the neck and gizzards from the turkey since I will need the liquid I cooked them in for the gravy base since we are making a deep fried turkey this year.  I plan on injecting the seasoning in a bit.  I didn't find the seasoning I really wanted so I spiced up the bottle we had here a bit and it should be fine.  We have a meat thermometer (in fact, the Beast and I both bought one so we have TWO meat thermometers...LOL) so we can make sure it's cooked thoroughly.  The Beast used the directions given for the deep fryer to figure out how long to cook it and it could have used more time.  Parts of it were fine and I cooked up the meat not done well and made hot turkey sandwiches with it the next day.

    I still need to straighten up around here (and that includes dust mopping the floors and dusting the *bits and pieces* plus shelf tops).  It's a lot easier to get done once the Beast and Baron are down for the night.  I will also get the sweet potato casserole ready tonight before I go to bed so that all I have to do tomorrow is put together the string bean casserole, make the potatoes and gravy and open up the cranberry sauce. 

    I bought a special tablecloth and paper plates for tomorrow with matching napkins so I want to make up the table tonight, too.  I even got cake/pie plates that match.  I just thought it would be a nice touch since I haven't been able to get any other (Xmas type) decorations up.  I DO plan on a few cute, new things I bought being put up in the morning including the solar lights I got for the small spruce tree under our bedroom window.  That will only take a couple minutes and will look neat as they charge up for the night.  I also have a Santa and Reindeer that change colors and some snowflakes that do the same thing.  Those are on suction cups and will go on the window of the front door.  I know it's not Thanksgiving stuff but I like them.

    The weather hasn't been exactly warm today as we were led to believe but it wasn't really cold either.  They are still saying in the lower 70's for tomorrow but I don't believe it since they also are predicting partially cloudy skies and lots of fog in the Tennessee Valley area, which we are considered part of even though the border of Tennessee is about 80 miles north of us as the crow flies.  But, hey, who am I to disagree?  All I want is that it doesn't rain and get dismal. 

    Tara is feeling a bit harassed and we probably won't see her until Friday.  She volunteered to serve food at her church for several hours and then is going to go home and prove to her sons that she really CAN cook a turkey.  At least she will get to see Sheepie before she heads up to her mom's house on Saturday. 

    Well, love you all and I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with lots of love, friends and family surrounding you.  If you aren't in the US of A, I hope you have a great Thursday regardless.  Be happy, stay warm and be safe. 

  • IT'S ALIVE !!!! Dammit.......!


    Yeah, the Beast lives.  He's been upright and even eating real food most of the day.  He only looks 90 years old now, instead of 100.    At least, that's what I told him this morning while we were sitting at the kitchen table.  I kept a close eye on him and made sure he was drinking liquids although, I must say, I was actually pissed off at him.

    Yeah, he pulled a *Beast-thing* last night and started yelling about stupid stuff to the point I yelled back at him and told him that *....just because YOU feel bad and crappy, don't start trying to make everyone else as miserable as YOU feel!*  He shut up and a little later tried making a joke (to which I did NOT laugh but shot him *that* look) then he gave up and went back to bed.

    Poor Sheepie had run for her room when he started and she came into the computer room when he went back into his lair to ask, *What was wrong with Grampa?*  I explained to her that it was a normal phenomenon with him whenever he felt like crap to try attacking me verbally.  He did that a LOT when he was recovering from his strokes and that was when I no longer reacted to it like he wanted.  It only pissed him off more but sure gave me pleasure to frustrate HIM for a change.  That was when his own doctor gave him the nickname of the Beast.  He saw and heard the things the Beast did with me and then saw him turn on his charm and good humor for pretty much everyone else.  When the Beast asked the doctor if he would/could have another stroke, the doctor told him.....*Let me put it this way.....wherever YOU go, there YOU are.*  I'm still ticked off because the doctor said then that most stroke victims, with less serious strokes, don't usually live more than five years afterward.  Here we are, almost NINE years later.  **Sigh**

    The Beast hasn't been up all day, thankfully.  But he has gotten up long enough to drink something, have a bite to eat and then head back to bed for a couple more hours.  He's down for the night now.  One funny thing, Sheepie and I left to go to Walmart with a list of things for Thanksgiving dinner that I needed while the Beast was down for the count.  We were gone a couple hours because I picked up Chewlee from preschool afterward before heading home.

    When I walked in with the groceries and Chewlee, the Beast had just gotten up.  His comment?  *Well, that was fast!*  He really had no clue.  He had heard the door to the garage go up and Baron started barking because he needed to go out.  That was the only reason he got up.  He also wanted to see what I had bought even though he had seen the list.  Unlike him, when I have a list, I don't go nuts in the bakery department or the frozen food section.  He's discovered just how many other neat food items are available in that section lately.  It's been *interesting* to see his discoveries and things (food items) he wants to *try*.   I just roll my eyes.

    For some reason, Weatherbug has informed us that we will be getting warm weather the next couple of days instead of the cold front we expected.  It has stalled in the Central Plains area so we will have a nice Thanksgiving Day here.  If you are in an area of bad weather, please be careful if you are traveling.  Don't forget your bad weather kit in the trunk of the car....just in case!  Love you all and I wish you a wonderful Hump Day and an even better Thanksgiving Feast. 

  • The Beast Has Me Really Worried This Time!


    I actually DID sleep in my computer room last night.  I was tired and really didn't want to catch whatever it is the Beast has, whether it's flu or just a bad chest cold.  He got up once, quite early, because he felt the house was too warm so he opened up the back door.  He poured himself a cup of coffee but didn't drink any of it.  He went back to bed and slept....and slept....and slept. 

    He was surprised at how much he has slept today but remembered waking up to pee plus he drank some water and took his pills, he says.  I kind of figured that because his pills were on the sink instead of on the shelf where they normally are.  He had some ice water, some milk and some toast.  He claimed he wasn't hungry enough for some soup.  If he changes his mind later, I'll make him some but he went back to bed again.  This is so unlike him that I know he is really sick.  I asked him if he wanted to go to the emergency room, he looked at me and said, *What for?  Because I am sick?  Big deal.  I'll get over it.*

    A bit later, when he headed for bed again, he said, *Ask me tomorrow if I still feel this bad.*  I even feel bad for poor Baron who won't leave his side except briefly.  The dog finally ate (and licked his bowl clean) when the Beast got up but he went right back in with him when he went back to bed.  That's his best bud, after all.  Earlier, the dog got up when Chewlee and the Princess came by for a bit.  He went outside and laid in the sun for about 5 minutes then came back into the house, tried to play a bit with Chewlee and gave it up to go back to bed with the Beast.  That is so not like Baron, who is usually very active and clamoring to go outside for his daily run at the very least. 

    Earlier today, Baron came over to my room and kind of *woofed* at me.  I figured he wanted to go outside and got up but found Baron inside the doorway of the bedroom facing me.  He looked at me, then over at the Beast, at me again and then at the Beast.  I figured I should go in and check and the Beast was breathing so I left the room.  When I looked at Baron, I swear he had this incredulous look on his face.  It occurred to me that Baron had actually wanted me to wake the Beast up.  Since I had gone over to the Beast, felt his forehead and checked to see that he was breathing, I knew the Beast was sound asleep.  I also know that the best way to fight any illness is sleep and/or rest.  That way your body can use all it's resources for fighting off whatever is ailing it.

    But, still....I worry.  I am checking him every half hour...just in case.  Like I said, he has never been this sick before and I've known him for many years now.  Fifty years now.  Wow!  That is a lot of years, isn't it?    Now I KNOW I am old....

    Anyway, more updating tomorrow.  Gonna sign off for now and get this posted for later.  Love you all and I hope you all have a healthy and happy day.  Stay warm. 

  • The Beast Has The Flu


    It was supposed to be another busy day here at the Brat Farm but a couple things happened.  I slept like crap because of the Beast's tossing, turning and coughing.  I slid as far away from him as I could because I figured that whatever it was that was trying to come down with him was winning and I didn't want the germs he was spreading.

    The Beast looked like shit when we both dragged ourselves out of bed and poured our first cup of coffee.  I know he's an old fart but he looked like he was 100 years old.  Worse, he was supposed to go out with Johnnycakes to this one hunting area and scout it out for when they go deer hunting in a couple weeks.  Yep, it's almost that time.  He took a shower, dressed and managed to pull himself together well enough to leave with Johnnycakes a couple hours later.  Chewlee was dressed really cute when she and the Princess came over so they could see Teri.  The Princess was on her way to see her girlfriend with the new baby again but Chewlee decided she wanted to stay with us.  Teri said she would watch her so she could visit with her favorite little cousin but that was kind of split up between us.  Chewlee realized that Teri didn't understand some of what she was trying to tell her so I ended up as translator.

    When the Princess got back to pick up Chewlee, I was sound asleep in my recliner they tell me.  Why not?  I didn't have the Beast here to wake me.    After sleeping for about an hour or so, I got up, got dressed and Sheepie and I went to Walmart to pick up a couple things.  She needed something for HER cold...actually the congestion it she had an unexpected event occur and needed supplies for that.  I picked up a couple more things for Thanksgiving dinner but in no way am I done.  I just don't feel like doing a huge shopping all at one time.  I get so tired of putting it all away after shopping for it.  The Beast is no help there.  Sheepie wanted to stop at Rue 21 because she needed a pair of flip flops and the ones they sell there last her a lot longer than those from, say, Walmart.  However, they didn't have any out so she decided to buy a really cute pair of pull-on knee high boots and a couple pair of dental floss undies.  Both items were on sale.  Needless to say, I didn't get any change from the money I had given her for the flip flops.  But, I can't complain.  I love the boots on her and I would rather she got those than a pair of flip flops as winter is setting in.

    We came home, got everything put away and the Princess showed up.  She had called while we were at Walmart and volunteered to make chicken enchiladas for dinner if I had the fixings.  I bought what I didn't have and she got there shortly after I had put the chicken breasts on to boil.  I spent the rest of my time having coffee and playing a game on my computer until dinner was ready.  By then, Johnnycakes and the Beast were home, too.  The Princess got really ticked off because they had stopped somewhere on their way home to eat and they both KNEW she was making dinner.  I told her I knew it was the Beast because when he wants to eat, he wants to eat NOW.  And, since she wouldn't say what it was that she was making other than *it's a surprise*, there was nothing to make the Beast wait in anticipation.  He WILL do that if it's something he likes.  The Princess had even made a marble cake (which I ended up frosting).  There was salad, Spanish rice, enchiladas and a cake to finish it off.  Both guys ate some of the dinner just to keep the Princess from throwing things at them. 

    Then, after playing cards for a while (back alley bridge), the Beast started really feeling ill.  He said his lungs felt heavy and he started coughing and hacking stuff up.  He felt chilled so he wrapped a blanket around himself over his warm clothes he had on.  I felt his forehead and he felt really warm, as did his neck.  He sounds AWFUL and I'm pretty sure it's actually the flu he's caught.  The dummy won't get a flu shot (I do, every year) so he has only himself to blame.  I have put an empty wastebasket next to his side of the bed because I know he might actually cough hard enough to make himself vomit.  Or, he might cough up a lung.    I told him I was going to sleep in my computer room......just to be safe.  At this point, he doesn't care.  I know if he feels worse, he will wake me up to take him to the emergency room.  He looks like he's got one foot in the grave......but he's gotten my hopes up one time too many. 

    I gave up a long time ago trying to convince him to even go to the doctor (much less scary than the emergency room).  He's just too stubborn and thinks HE knows better than I do so I let him take his own risks now.  I think the reason we women outlive men for the most part is because we get ourselves into the doctor...or we hit the emergency room when necessary.  We don't take chances on our health or try to *tough it out* like men do.  I guess it's just part of that stupidity gene that men have when it comes to knowing when it isn't smart to *tough it out*.

    Well, love you all and I hope you had a great Sunday because it's MONDAY...and another week of work starts for most people.  We have just one more day of fair weather and then WHAM!!  Cold weather ahead.   Stay safe, stay warm and drive carefully, especially if you got snow over the past couple of days. 

  • I Am In Agony!


    Memo to self:

    Do NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, plan on having Chewlee here the same day you do canning unless the Princess is here to keep her off your lap and keep her from climbing all over you in excitement.  It does NOT count that she was actually a big help, to your complete surprise.  Just remember the PAIN! of your left leg from her constantly being in your lap and wiggling, wiggling, wiggling all over.  END NOTE TO SELF.  ***I will tell more about her help in tomorrow's post***

    I kid you not, my left leg is on FIRE!!!!  From my knee to my hip, it is just alive with a burning, tingling pain that gets worse if I walk around.  I love her to death, as you know, but I think I actually yelled at her several times today.  The more she climbed into my lap and wiggled on that leg, the shorter my temper got (and my sense of humor).  I told her several times that she couldn't sit on that leg because it really hurt me.  She finally pulled up my pant leg, patted the thigh and put a small towel on it.  I think she really thought it would make it feel better.  She then kissed the leg and said, *There!  Is that better now?*  I kissed her and told her that she was very sweet to worry so about me but it still felt bad and needed to rest.  She then shrugged her shoulders as if to say, *I tried* and stood between my legs to watch the movie we had on.  Today she selected Godzilla 2000, Jurassic Park, Mothra and another Godzilla one that I can't remember the name of.  It just involved some inter-dimensional dragon flies.

    I should have added another line to the note to myself about trying to get things neatened up for company.  Today is the day Sheepie is coming although, when you read this, she will already be here.  The Beast is at the bus station picking her up as I type this up.

    She's called me twice today to *order her dinner*, which she wants to be french fries with chili and cheese.  I laughed and told her I just happened to have that on hand so, if that's what she wanted, that's what she will get.

    My deep fryer took a crap tonight so it's going to be done like most other people do theirs.  Oil in a deep, heavy saucepan.  BUT....I happen to have a basket that fits nicely inside one of mine so that will keep some of the mess from happening.  I will have to deal with the initial splatter.  That can't be avoided, I guess.  At least I have a glass top stove.  It's a lot easier to clean. 

    Oh man...this leg is on fire!  My hip is starting to hurt now, too.  I think the muscles that attach up there are just ticked off at me.  I guess I better cut this short, take a pain pill and try putting the leg up for a while until it forgives me or I die, whichever comes first.

    Love you all and I hope you have a great Sunday.  It's supposed to be warm here tomorrow (well, in the low 70's) and for the next two days also.  After that, the cold front from clear across the country (western U.S.) will be hitting us and that means COLD!!!  Stay warm.