Month: January 2010

  • As Usual, The Weatherman Got It Wrong


    The Beast was not a really happy camper since most of the bad weather that the weatherman, and even my Weatherbug was predicting just DIDN'T happen.  At least, not when they said it would.  We DID get some nasty freezing rain but it didn't last long.  We also got a *dusting* of snowflakes that occurred over all three days that didn't amount to even 1/4 inch.  The temperature barely dropped down to freezing.  Until tonight.    Yep.  The day they predicted would be nice and temps almost up to 40 with a sunny Sunday to look forward to....turned into a rapidly dropping temperature, a brisk, cold wind and freezing slick spots on our country roads.  It also has the look that it might actually SNOW.  Feels like it, too.

    I had to run up to Walmart to pick up some coffee, creamer and a couple other minor things and almost froze.  I had my nice, warm coat on but forgot to bring my gloves.  I would have if I had any idea it was as windy as it was out.  But, dumb me....I still believe in Santa Claus, too.    Anyway, it's down to 24 degrees and the temperature is still dropping.  At least the Beast is happy because now his heating solution is getting a real test.  Me?  I'm just glad that there is NO REASON for us to go out again for at least a couple days.

    I picked up a center cut ham slice for the Beast and I to share.  Oh, not for breakfast.  He's going to make some of his Northern beans soup and I will wait a couple days and then make my split pea soup.  It's been a while since I made some so I am looking forward to it.  I'll have to let the Princess know so she will stop by for lunch to have some.  I might even send some home with her.

    Today was my usual day babysitting Chewlee.  I think the Princess must have woken her up again because she just cuddled in my arms in the recliner for about a half hour before she was finally ready to get up and get active.  She didn't want any cereal for breakfast but she wanted a banana and then some yogurt.  She picked out her own soup for lunch (vegetable today).  She looks on the label to see what kind it is and I always make sure she knows before I open it and make it for her.

    We did our usual 'Zilla movies, then it was Dora and then it was on to Rodan.  She fell asleep during Rodan.  I had lain down on the floor because my back was bothering me.  I had to keep my knees up so my back would lay flat but, oh, it was wonderful after about a half hour.  Just what my back needed.  I hadn't gotten up from the floor long before Johnnycakes showed up to pick up Chewlee.

    What was funny was Chewlee reading to me (again).  I HAD to sit on the floor while she sat in her Dora chair.  She would turn the page, hold the book up so I could see it while she told me *the story*.  Every once in a while she would look sternly at me with her finger up in the air and say, *Shhh!*  Like I was going to interrupt her.  It was so cute and so funny.  I KNOW that is how the teacher at her pre-school class reads to them.  Always before she would climb into my lap so I could read to HER. The turn has wormed now! 

    I found an old flannel blouse of mine that doesn't fit me any more and decided that I would make the sheet repair with it instead of turning it into a rag now.   That's what I will be doing on Sunday (as you read this....well, depending on what time you read it).  It saves me having to go through all the flannel material at Walmart plus washing and drying the material.  Plus, this flannel shirt of mine dries nicely without wrinkling.  That should work well with the flannel sheet I use it on.

    I picked up some Dunkin' Donuts coffee tonight...yeah, I spent the money to just give it a try.  I just put on a pot and am anxious to go pour some for myself and see how my Bunn does making it.  They use a Bunn coffee maker there, too, but it IS slightly different.  How different, we shall see.  I'm off to collect my cup of coffee and will say *Adios amigos* here.  Love you all and wish you better weather than we are having. 

  • Icy Rain, Sleet, Slippery Streets...All The Joys Of Winter


    It was an icky, dreary and rainy day when I woke up around 9am.  The Beast told me he had gotten up about a half hour before me and started warming up the house.  It felt good to me so everything was working well.  The rainy was on the icy side and Baron sure didn't want to go out in it although we tried to entice him by letting him out the front door.  He stood for the longest time on the front porch, then dashed down, picked out a bush and pee'd.  He then ran back up the stairs where the Beast was already holding the door open for him. 

    Of course he had to run over to me, demanding my attention and praise but I fooled him.  I had grabbed a towel in case he DID go outside and I rubbed him down.  That actually seemed to make him happier.  He went and curled up on the rug in front of the fireplace and went to sleep.  Even HE likes it. 

    The cold front with predictions of icy rain, sleet and snow plus dropping temperatures was enough to have the schools all close early here.  The Princess was just leaving work to come here for lunch when the pre-school called to have her pick up Chewlee.  So, I ended up with both the girls here except Chewlee stayed behind with me.  The poor baby had been woken up from her nap so it took her a while to get her head on straight.  I rocked her for a while, took her jacket off and she finally woke up and was ready.

    Of course she wanted to watch "Zilla baby", which we did.  After that we watched Dora and the Mermaids.  Then, surprise! surprise!  She picked out Madagascar to watch next.  That's what we were watching the end of when Johnnycakes showed up to pick her up.  He was laughing because he had never heard of them letting the schools out for *cold weather*, as he put it.  I told him that the weather front had stalled and wasn't hitting us with the bad stuff until later tonight but they didn't want to take chances with icy roads.  There were a few icy roads and bad areas, especially in Guntersville along the lakeside roads.  It was sleeting pretty bad there so I couldn't blame them.  They do think that our children are the most precious cargo and treat them as such.

    I meant to tell you about Baron and the Pedi-paw nail filer thingy.  He's actually learning to like it.  He is now sitting really good for us when we do it.  Of course, he hadn't had his nails filed since Christmas and it wasn't done as short as it should have been.  I told the Beast we are going to start doing it at least once a week until we get those nails down where they belong.  He's started to look like he's part Chinese with dragon nails...  He does seem to have one nail that's more sensitive to the emery wheel.  It's on his left back paw and he acts like it tickles him.  It's funny to watch him when I start filing it.  It's jerk-paw back-jerk-paw back...etc.  Too funny.

    I tried to tell Bratfink that she could use one on the cats just to get rid of the really sharp pointed ends of their nails but she laughed and said they would have to be drugged first.  I thought that might be kind of funny to see them stagger all over while they were coming out of it.  But, I guess that's just me.  Animals can be funny without it, too.  But can't you just imagine it??? 

    Anyway, after Chewlee left, I put in Madagascar 2 because I just love both of those.  I decided it would be a DVD night so now I am watching my Mummy Collectors Set movies.  It has the first two Mummy movies and includes a third one, which is The Legend of the Scorpion King with The Rock as the Scorpion King.  I love all of them but I won't watch the Scorpion King one until after I do the third Mummy DVD, which is the one about the Chinese Emperor.  I don't like the gal in it that replaces Evie (that was played by Rachel Weitz and she was perfect in the part) but at least the rest of the old characters are in it.  I love Brendan Fraser.  He's yummy.

    Time to go now.  The Beast actually went out in the freezing rain because we were low on milk and he doesn't want to have to go get it tomorrow if the roads are bad.  Plus, I will have Chewlee here (it's regular day to watch her).  The REAL reason he went is he wants to be able to have his hot chocolate before he goes to bed.  I told him to use the Swiss Miss, which uses hot water instead but he just wrinkled his nose at that suggestion.  Personally, I like the Swiss Miss, especially when I have miniature marshmallows to put in it.  *Grin*

    Time to get this ready for posting while I still have internet.  The weather is deteriorating and I could lose my satellite at any time.  Love you all.  Have a wonderful day.  I will be stuck inside here but at least I will be warm. 

  • The Beast Has Started His New Project


    I really should have seen it coming.  It's the weather, of course.  I KNOW that the really cold, cold weather hasn't hit us yet but will shortly.  The Beast, however, is excited and has started one of several projects that suddenly popped into his mind.

    One is running the special circuit for the heat strips for the heat pump.  He decided NOT to wait (I told you he couldn't stand not to be busy!) until the weather is warmer.  I guess in the 40's or 50's seems warm enough for him now.  The other is......ta dah!  More plants. 

    I kid you not.  Today he comes home from Lowe's with rose bushes.  Yep, rose bushes.  Which he grandly presents to me and says...*Happy Valentine's Day...I thought I would buy you roses,* and he grins.  Got a couple of them and....all say they are fragrant.  The one I really like is the New Day rose.  It's a pretty yellow one, medium size bush (what the hell is that???), blooms continuously and is a hybrid tea rose.  I have to look the others over but one looks to be a pretty peach one and the other is one that is both yellow and orangy on the edges.  More on those another time.

    But you see where this is really leading, right?  Yep.  His thoughts are turning to *the farm*.  His apple, cherry, peach, plum and pear trees.  I looked and saw he bought the spray he needs for the peach trees.  He won't forget to spray those so we don't have any peach curl this year.  He's also got the stuff for the Japanese beetles.  We probably won't have a problem with them since he has been spraying those regularly AS DIRECTED and we didn't have much of them last spring.  I will never forget our first year and how loaded the peach trees were with them.  The Beast went NUTS!  But, thankfully, he is responsible enough that he looks for things that are bio-friendly.  I know that one of the sprays we have is primarily cayenne pepper.   I know!  Who woulda thunk it??? 

    I can tell you this much.  He is NOT sucking me in on this stuff.  I WILL direct him where to put the rose bushes but, after that, it's all HIS!  It was never my intention to turn this into a mini-farm.  I will confess that I have a project in mind for him but haven't discussed it with him yet.  I want him to construct some deep boxes for along the outside of the deck for plants.  Not just any plants....for my tomato, bean and I think I will include cucumbers and pepper plants.  Enough to provide for us. 

    I don't want to have to start a roadside stand.  Just a few of each to provide for our needs over the summer.  If we have an abundance, I'm ready to can them or freeze them.  It all depends......  Is that too crazy an idea?  I mean about some deep window box type things?  It would sure make it easier on me to take care of them and less problems with rabbits and such.

    Since January is really almost over and we only have a few more weeks before our weird weather (and, trust me, it IS weird here) starts, I can see why the Beast is thinking the way he is.  However, I will be damned if I am going to put out any plants that will suffer with the freezes I KNOW are coming.  Heck, we had several during March and April last year.  Worried us sick because so many of the trees were showing signs of blooming.  Some already had bloomed and the teeny tiny fruit was on it.  Those trees were the ones he actually DID wrap up to protect. 

    Right now I am ticked off because the hardware that holds the tray for my keyboard on my desk ripped out from the (underside of the) desktop.  I hate cheap wood fiber formed desks but, unless you want to pay a small fortune, finding a REAL wood one (at least one with real wood on the desktop) is so expensive.  I knew I should have made the Beast buy me one I found at the unfinished furniture store we were at a couple months back.  It actually was cheap enough and was beautiful.  Just shoot me now.  I used Gorilla glue on it and had to (clamp) hold it tightly in place with my knee for an hour until it set up enough.  I had hoped it was dry but it wasn't (*insert a sad face here) so I am sitting again with my knee underneath it, applying the upward pressure required.

    I wish someone I knew that has some old-time furniture wanted to get rid of a nice big desk that was MADE OF REAL WOOD.  Remember those days?  Maybe if I were still living in Florida, where I knew a lot of people .....  Oh well.

    Okay...time to get this posted for now.  At least the Beast hasn't gotten beyond the *buy all the parts needed* stage of his first project.  He won't be able to work on it tomorrow, however, because we have some severe storm warnings we are getting here for Friday.  First rain, turning into sleet, then icy sleet and some snow on top of that.  It will be a wonderful night for all sort of accidents, I'm sure.

    Love you all and I hope you have a great night.  And here's a belated New Year's wish for everyone:

    My wishes for you this New Year:

    ***May peace break into your house
    ***May thieves come and steal your debts
    ***May your pockets be a $100 bill magnet
    ***May love stick to your face like Vaseline
    ***May laughter assault your lips
    ***May happiness slap you across the face
    ***May your tears be those of joy
    ***May problems forget your home address

    In simple words, May this year be the best year of your life!!!

  • The Baby Sings To Me....


    It turned into a very, very lazy day here at the Brat Farm.  It was very cold this morning when we got up (at 5:30am.....and me with just 3 hours of sleep).  It was just 24 degrees outside and it felt much colder than the 60 degrees it said it was inside the house.  So we went and turned on the baseboard heaters and the Beast lit the fireplace.  It was amazing because it only took about 20 minutes and it felt great in here.  The T-stat said it was 74 in the house.  Not bad at all.

    Since neither one of us had really slept well, we kind of spent the day taking little catnaps and then watching the news or other programs.  I'm fond of Criminal Minds and any of the CSI programs.  I have a special fondness for the Las Vegas one and have become a fan of the NY one.  I haven't seen but one of the LA ones so I am reserving judgment there.

    For a man that doesn't and has never voted in his whole life, the Beast amazes the hell out of me with all the political programs he watches and the close attention he pays.  He keeps me up-to-date on pretty much everything that is going on except I don't have to listen to the other BS.

    I got to watch the baby this evening for several hours.  She and the Princess went to Tara's baby's first birthday party (imagine..she felt his first birthday had to be held on the exact day he was born instead of waiting for the weekend).  Then the Princess brought her here while she went to the movies.

    Chewlee was in a good mood except for the Princess accidentally almost closing the front door on the poor baby's fingers.  I ended up having to throw both the Beast and Baron out of my room because having all five of us in here at one time is nerve-wracking.  The Beast tried to act like Baron when I throw him out and ended up kissing me.  The Princess got this incredulous face on her and said, *Ewwww....I've never seen you two kiss before.  You CANT do that stuff!*  Cracked me up.  As I closed the door, I told her, *Oh, I throw him a kiss or two every once in a while just to remind him that I am here*.

    After she left and the room quieted down, she crawled into my lap and started singing to me....*I love my gramma......I love my gramma!* as she wiggled slowly from side-to-side.  She then looked at me and said, *You gotta sing, too, gramma*.  So, there I was, singing * Gramma loves her Chewlee* along with her.

    She then started to sing *Itsy bitsy spider* and grabbed my hands so that I would sing along with her.  She had to do that several times before she finally started singing another song that only SHE understood.  It had the occasional word I recognized but otherwise it was just nonsense to me. 

    We actually watched most of a Harry Potter movie before she insisted on her "Zilla baby movie.  I put it in because I knew she was getting tired.  She's getting into my lap now so I can rock her to sleep so this is goodnight.  Love you all.  Have a great day.

  • Clean Sheets At Last


    I finally got around to changing the sheets.  I'm looking forward to my nice Egyptian cotton ones later on tonight...*grin*.   I almost hated to see how bad the holes the dog chewed in my flannels ones looked once I had them off the bed.  However, I decided I had better wash them before I attempt a repair.  They are so loaded with the damn dog hairs that it's almost unbelievable!  You wouldn't believe that a short hair dog would shed hairs everywhere like Baron does.  Shit, they were even underneath all the covers at the bottom of the bed.  It has to be us that are slowly pushing them down there at night when we are asleep.  I'm not sure I can even repair the top sheet.  It might be more fodder for Bratfink's rag rug.

    I'm finding more of the things that the dog chewed on when he was a pup and I remember why I put some of my good linens away up in the attic.  I told the Beast that if he chews a hole in ONE MORE THING, he is going to be soooooo sorry!  I swear, I will spend a small fortune buying all new stuff and will lock the dog completely out of the bedroom since the Beast can't seem to watch him.  I have no idea why he's doing least, not for certain.  I THINK it's because he's totally frustrated because he can't be as active as he would like to be.  He's such a wuss that you never know if the cold is going to send him right back inside the house or the car, depending on where he's at.  The other day, the Beast took him down to the lake and it was windy as hell....and cold.  He (the Beast) took it as long as he could while Baron ran around, happy as only a dog can be.  When he decided it was time to get back into the car, the dog came reluctantly.    This is the dog that won't set a foot on snow, won't go outside in a drizzle and will barely go to the bottom of the stairs in most cold weather before he will pee and want back into the house.

    I'm still pissed off that Baron has chewed a hole in my nice flannel sheet.  I'm sitting here with it on my craft table and trying to decide if I want to just use an iron on or if I want to do a patchwork kind of repair to it.  I haven't decided yet because I truly am not ready to tackle it until my urge to kill is over.

    Bratfink got my package today.  She was sure that it wouldn't get there because of the weather being so crappy but I sent it UPS and they have become more dependable than our post office.  Remember when it was....neither rain, nor sleet nor snow....???? 

    Love you all.  Gotta get this posted so I can finish folding clothes and my handy rags I use in the kitchen (and everywhere else).  The Beast uses them to *shudder* blow his nose in and it grosses me out so bad I told him he's got to put all his snot rags into the washer himself.  He's actually been doing it, too.    I know!  It's so unlike a man. 

  • Bright, Sunny And Busy All Day Long


    I woke up early today (shortly after 9am which has become early for me) and discovered a bright and sunny, if chilly, day outside.  So, I got myself ready for a busy day.

    That involved sweeping, dustmopping and then mopping the floors.  I took all the scatter rugs outside, one-by-one, and shook them out good before putting them over the bannister to air.  Most of them had a kind of doggy smell so that has to go even if it means Oust sprayed on them.  I'm reluctant to wash them again so soon after the last washing.  I'm always worried about the rubbery backing starting to pull away or tear.  It seems to be better than most but, for the price paid for them, why take chances?

    I also worked on the wash.  The Beast seems to be able to fill up the hamper all by himself in under a week.  This time I let it go one extra day and, sure enough, the top can't shut.    And to think that it doesn't include any towels.  I grab those on my way out and then put new, fresh towels up for us.

    I had to take down the decorator towels and wash them because they get discolored by the Beast's smoking in the bedroom.  His desk is just outside the door of the bathroom.  He runs the air purifier but that can only do so much.

    I decided not to change the sheets today because my back was screaming at me and the pain pills weren't doing much.  I had to keep sitting down with a pillow behind my back after about 20 minutes or so of being on my feet.  If I am cooking or something where I can lean against the counter from time-to-time, I can stay upright a lot longer even when my back acts up.  That really ticks me off because I wanted to luxuriate in my Egyptian cotton sheets (600 count) tonight.  *Sigh*.  Bought during the good old days when we still owned our AC company and had money to burn.    Not that we ever did any such thing.....!  Even the Beast at his most generous was never that stupid. 

    I found some other stuff I wanted to send to Bratfink (more fodder for her rag rug project) but, wouldn't you know it?  The Beast hasn't ordered ANYTHING!    I know!  This must be the longest he's gone without something coming from TigerDirect , Adorama or one of the other companies he buys from.  Figures.  Guess I will have to wait until I get together a few more things before I go and buy a box to pack up.

    It's amazing how much time it can eat out of your day to do floors even in a house this small.  1650 sq. ft. is small in MY opinion.  All of our previous homes have been of them was twice this size.    Plus it had a pool, a hot tub and a small, private lake behind it.  I really miss that house but not some of the other things that went with the cleaning, the taxes, the insurance costs, and the utility bills. 

    I also got the insides of my cabinets wiped down and rearranged slightly.  The changes are minor, thankfully, or my kids and grandkids would get totally confused.  I like that they feel comfortable when they come because they know where everything is located.

    Our weather is *iffy* so I need to get this posted before the weather deletes my internet.  That's the bad thing about having satellite internet.  But, until we have cable in our area, we're kind of stuck.  The Princess found out that we can't have dsl here.  Not the right wiring or something.  Probably because there's no *connection* anywhere close.  I remember that they have special *boxes* or setups in those boxes that are needed in order to utilize a dsl. 

    Love you all and hope you have a wonderful day.  If I am lucky, tomorrow might be sunny and I can finish up what I started today.  Even the dog kept out of my way....LOL!


    I was awoken this morning several times by the sound of a furious wind and a great downpour.  This house is well-insulated from outside sound so you know it had to be pouring cats and dogs for me to hear it.  I opened the front door to take a look outside and the wind was so bad that it was pushing the rain in a straight line right into the storm door!    I just closed the door and crawled back into bed and fell sound asleep. 

    I woke up again after dawn some time for the call of nature and it was still the same.  It's been a long time since I heard winds like I did this morning.  Again, I decided against getting up and went back to bed.

    When I woke up again at around 11am (yes, I know I am a slug), the worst of the winds was over but the rain remained.  It was a kinder, gentler rain but still....the day was dismal.  I decided to do a whole lot of nothing so I pretty much spent the day just watching different movies and playing games on Pogo.  I really DID become a slug today but days like this depress me.  (Oh, I did *donate* 4.5 liters of blood to the Boy for his vampire game....LOL).

    The Princess called and asked me to babysit Chewlee for a couple hours so she and Johnnycakes could go to the movies.  I didn't even ask what they were going to see so I have no idea just HOW long they will be gone.  Here's the funny thing though about Chewlee tonight.  Yes, she did want to watch *Baby 'Zilla* as she calls Godzilla's Revenge BUT.......then she wanted to watch Harry Potter!    I know!  I'm still in shock over that.  So I popped in The Sorcerer's Stone (The first of the series if you happen to live under a rock) and we watched that.

    She then announced she was tired so I changed her diaper and went to put her to bed.  That is when she realized she didn't have her baby doll and freaked out.  She cried over that and didn't want to go to bed without her but Gramma prevailed.  She did try sneaking out of bed and getting in the chair with Papa but he knew she was overtired so I put her back in the bad.  After about 5 minutes, she got very quiet and 5 minutes after that, I checked and she was sound asleep.  She really WAS tired.  I'll have to beat the Princess for forgetting the baby doll.  She won't even take her nap in school without her.

    I'm hoping the day is a bit nicer tomorrow if only because I prefer that kind of a day when I need to do housework.  I didn't change the linens on the beds today so that has to be done tomorrow along with checking to see if I can repair the damage the dog did to both the quilt and the flannel topsheet.  *Sigh*  Otherwise, it's more fodder for Bratfink's rag rug.  I may end up sending her enough to make a whole rug all by myself. 

    Okay, time to get back to my Pogo games for a while and then, perhaps, an early bedtime....just in case it IS a nice day tomorrow. (But I won't be holding my breath)  Now that I got started on my Harry Potter movies, I may just keep going until the end.  Even if it means watching them tomorrow, too.

    Love you all.  Have a great day and a wonderful week in case you can't get back here for some reason.  Be sure to tell those you love that you do...often.  Life is short and no one gets out alive. 

  • An Interesting Perspective



    One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. 

    They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

    On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, 'How was the trip?'

    'It was great, Dad.'

    'Did you see how poor people live?' the father asked.

    'Oh yeah,' said the son.

    'So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?' asked the father.

    The son answered:

    'I saw that we have one dog and they had four.

    We have a pool  that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.

    We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.

    Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

    We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.

    We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.

    We buy our food, but they grow theirs.

    We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.'

    The boy's father was speechless.

    Then his son added,  'Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are .'

    Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we don't have.

    Appreciate every single thing you have, especially your
     family and friends! 

    'Life is too short and friends are too few


  • Fun And Games With Chewlee...Once Again


    The Princess was over, bright and early, with Chewlee.  Chewlee was NOT a happy camper only because she had been asleep and had to be woken up.  As a result, she came in her pajamas and pretty much insisted she was going to keep them on all day.  I tried to get her into regular clothes after she got up from her nap but she would have no part of it.

    Once she woke up, she was sunny and cheerful.  She had a banana for breakfast but told me she didn't want any cereal or eggs.  I let it go because, when she finally becomes hungry, she becomes very vocal about wanting to eat.  She drank her juice at the table while the Beast and I drank our coffee.  Then it was time to watch some TV in the computer room.  Of course, she insisted on *baby 'zilla* so I gave in and put it in the dvd player.  However, after the scenes where Godzilla has fought almost all the monsters on the island and has taught his son how to use his *bad breath*, she decided she wanted to watch something else.    I know!  I was just stunned.  She picked out her Dora the Explorer dvd and we watched all four episodes on it.

    Then she had to play with her *computer* (the little laptop with different learning games on it).  Every time she got something right, she would yell, *I did it!  I did it!*  It was just too cute.  Then she wanted to read to me and insisted I had to sit on the floor while she sat in her little Dora chair.  It gave me a clue about how the teacher at her school reads to them because, as she turned the pages of her Paddington Bear Colors book, she held it up in the air so I could see it.  I could envision the teacher doing that in school for her kids in the class.

    Oh, I did find out what happened at the dentist's office AND the parent-teacher conference.  The reason the Princess said nothing was.....nothing happened.  Chewlee was too antsy and uncooperative so the dentist rescheduled her for another day when he had more time to deal with her.  Then, the teacher couldn't meet with the Princess and SHE had to reschedule.  Not a great day for the Princess all-in-all.  Nothing accomplished except for sending off the windows to the Jeep that didn't fit.

    When Chewlee was finished *reading* to me (oh, and she got ALL her colors correct), I had a hard time getting out of the lotus position I had been sitting in.  Lord, it's awful to get older.    The baby tried to help me and finally grabbed my feet to try to straighten out my legs.  Then she kept hugging me and telling me, *I sorry, Gramma....I sorry!* because she felt she had done that to me. 

    I told her that Daddy was coming to pick her up and she kept shaking her head no and telling me that *Daddy is sleeping.  Daddy went night-night*.  When he showed up, she got the biggest smile on her face and yelled *Daddy!*  I said to her, *I told you Daddy was coming to get you.* and she just smiled and ran to get her baby doll and her blankey.  She had put her baby doll to bed after the stories because she said it was time for her to go to sleep.  I'm guessing that the Princess reads to her just before bedtime mostly because SHE used to like that when she was little.  Of course, she always asked for * just one more...just one more* like most kids do. 

    I made the Beast and I some chicken chow mein for dinner since it's one of the Beast's favorites and I had all the ingredients.  I did, however, kind of overdo the water chestnuts I think.  The Beast complained that he had so many his bottom plate finally came loose.  He just can't eat unless the gunk he uses on them lasts through the meal.  I told him that, next time, just clean them off, dry them and put them back in so he can finish up his meal.  Somehow, that idea seems to never have occurred to him.  Sheesh.

    I went to put away what few things Chewlee hadn't put back and found that she had actually put her little laptop back into the little case that came with it.  I think she likes the velcro tabs on it to close it up.  She did a really nice job.  I usually have to help her put that away but she managed to be patient and do it herself today. 

    Oh, and she loves the fireplace.  Actually, she loves to sit on the hearth for it (when it's not ON, of course).  She even brought her baby doll there and sat her up against the frame of the fireplace on the hearth so she could watch her better. 

    She spent some time sitting with Papa and watching TV.  It was cute to see her cuddle up with him and they watched Sponge Bob together.  He's so good with her and always has been.  I've never seen him be so good with any little one like he was right from the beginning.  Even the Princess brought that up when she came by for lunch.

    Oh, the Beast took Baron for a run down by the lake and, afterward, they stopped at Pet Depot to pick up some more food for the dog.  They had a big pen outside and some people (and animals) were there representing *Second Chance*.  Baron caused quite a stir and he really ate it up.  He even rolled on his back so people could pet him and scratch his stomach.  The Beast thought he would never get him away from there.  Even all the puppies and young dogs in the pen clamored for Baron's attention and he went over and sniffed them all.  When he came home, he pranced around here like he was King Tut after all that attention.  Then he plopped down and went to sleep. 

    I worked on cleaning off my craft table today because I found a couple areas on my outside statuary that need some touching up.  I figured I would bring them in to let them warm up well and then touch them up and reseal them.  At least my gnome at the front door is still in great condition and it's almost two years now since I repainted it and sealed it.  However, it isn't exposed quite as much to the weather as the ones on the deck and in the yard are.

    Time to wrap this up and get it ready for posting.  We are in for some nasty weather the next two nights so if you don't find a new post here on one of them, it's because of our satellite internet.  If the weather is really bad, I don't get internet because it can't get a signal.  Love you all.  I hope you have a great day and a good weekend.  Thanks to my drop-in's from Korea.    I am assuming they are military (US) but I could be wrong.  Anyway, love you too and thanks for stopping in.

    Be good and please take care.  Life is too short and good people hard to find sometimes. 

  • Not A Great Day For Me


    I am starting this off with some exciting news for the Brat Family.  We are so proud.  One of my younger sisters (she is #4 of 5 girls) is being published.  Oh, I shouldn't say that because she has had stories published in two international publications but this is her very first book.  She has been writing since she was very young.  I think her first story was in crayon.  But if you would like to share our joy, just click and you can see it's for real.  BTW, this is not autobiographical...  We are just so excited for her.

    I knew she would do it.  I've read so much of her stuff and so have many of you that visit Bratfink's site regularly.  This book is an excellent example of her talent.  I hope to see much more of her varied writing talents published for everyone to enjoy in the future. 

    Other than that, my day sucked big time.  I don't get headaches often but I had the mother of all headaches most of today.  No clue what started it unless it was because I was out of my diabetes pills this morning (I know...I should have reordered it when it got low) and my blood sugar was higher than normal.  It shouldn't have been because I don't usually have a high reading (it's usually always under 100 in the morning before I eat).  But, after picking up the new prescription and taking one, I also took two aspirin and laid down in a dark room for a couple hours.  When I woke up, it was gone.  I am forever grateful for that because I was afraid at first that I was getting a migraine.  I haven't had one in years but you just never know!

    I did manage to get a few things done afterward and found out the damn dog ate another hole in my flannel top sheet.  A HUGE hole.  This one cannot be covered because the center is just GONE.  He also hit the quilt again but a smaller section than the first time.  I think the dog is just frustrated.  Doberman's are high energy (the reason I could have killed the Beast for selecting when he can only exercise him if he's able to ride the scooter).  I'm also angry with the Beast because it means he wasn't keeping an eye on Baron and let him up on the bed.  I thought I had made it clear to him, and he agreed, that the dog was NOT to be allowed on the bed any more.

    That's some of the shit I have to put up with living with the Beast.  He just thinks he knows better and that the dog will behave just because he is with  HIM.  Ha! Ha! Ha!

    I'm just so tickled about Bratfink's book that I can hardly sit still over it.  I'm so proud of her and think she deserves this.  I hope it even hits the best seller list...LOL.  I'm cutting this short here and just want to say *Love you all.  Lots of hugs and I wish you the very best day you can have.  Smile a lot.  It's good for you and surprises the hell out of people around you.