March 29, 2010

  • Why Do They Think It’s Always About Them?


    It is absolutely gorgeous outside today.  Not much wind, bright sun, warm (it’s 65 degrees as I write) and we have more fruit trees blooming.  It did rain early this morning but it was a short, gentle rain.  The coffee was hot since the Beast had gotten up just a bit before me (nothing better than fresh, hot coffee in the morning).  It seemed like it was going to be a great day for me to get a few things done that I have waited to do until I *felt* like it.  Some tasks need you to have the right energy, if you know what I mean. 

    I wanted to change the curtains in the guest room, get the bedspread washed since the Beast had sat on it several times after being under the house.  He was full of dirt that you just can’t brush off.  What’s so bad is the bedspread is a white (yes, I said white!) eyelet.  *Sigh*  They just never use their head.  I didn’t worry too much about it when he did it because I knew it would wash out easily.  But then he started putting his rifles on it as he cleaned them.  So now it has gun oil on it and needs some pre-treating. 

    I could just kill him for that.  When I yelled at him, he didn’t believe me until I shoved it under his nose and pointed it out.  I told him to just rest them against the side of the gun safe until he put them away but to stop acting like there are no consequences for his actions.  He thinks because they are CLEAN (in his opinion), it won’t hurt a thing! 

    It’s like our pillows.  Pillows are a personal preference and we are no exception to that.  I have both a feather pillow (pricey down one) and one that is some kind of fiberfill.  Non-allergenic, not too stiff or over-filled.  The Beast also has a feather (down) pillow and a fiberfill one.  He bought it himself and his is fuller, stiffer and that was okay with me.  It actually made it easier for me to tell which pillow was which. 

    The problem is this:  he constantly takes MY fiberfill pillow when he goes to bed at night.  I get into bed, lights out, late at night and when I feel for MY fiberfill pillow, it’s gone and I have the stiffer one that belongs to the Beast under my head.    Sometimes, I can grab it because he’s got it next to him like a body pillow.  He’ll rouse sometimes and yell at me even as I toss his pillow to him.  He’ll get mad and say *I* am being ridiculous.  It shouldn’t matter.  When I tell him *..if it doesn’t matter, then leave MY PILLOW THE HELL ALONE!* 

    He still doesn’t see it.  He thinks I should just go ahead and give him MY pillow and take HIS.  I told him it was the difference in the firmness of it that matters to ME.  When I suggested he just buy himself one that’s less firm, he snorted at me like that was unacceptable.  So, we do the pillow fight every night.  A little thing but it bugs me.  It’s always, always about *HIS* wants, *HIS* needs.  It is one of the things I will not miss when he dies.

    What’s funny is how well I sleep at night when he is gone to his brother’s house.  I don’t wreck the bed when I am sleeping.  I’m comfortable and I sleep all night long.  No waking up because he’s gotten up to pee and then comes back, falls on the bed and jerks the blankets all over like he’s alone.  It always wakes me up and then I have to try falling asleep while he wiggles and jerks for a few minutes.  HE falls asleep almost immediately.  ME?  I’m trying to get comfortable again and wondering if I will be able to pick up where I left off on that great dream I was having.  Usually it’s no dice.
    I spent the day changing sheets and pillowcases, washing and drying clothes, folding them and putting them away.  I cleaned the bedspread from the guest room and my bed.  I got them folded up and put away for now.  With warmer weather on the horizon, I’ll just use the summer quilts on them now.

    The Princess called earlier when they stopped at a fish market in the Panhandle of Florida before they came home.  She decided she wanted to see if we wanted anything from there.  I asked what they had and when she hit snow crab, my mouth started watering.  Sure it takes a little more work than King Crab but what the heck!  It’ll fit in my steamer.    She said, *Well, YOU gave us the big one!*  Like I didn’t know that?  But it would just take up space here for the few times in a year I might need it.  She gets more use out of it than we did.

    I can hardly believe the forecast for the week coming up.  Other than some chance of rain tomorrow, the rest of the week will be in the mid-70′s.    Tomorrow should be about the same as today which I would not be unhappy with at all.  I’m so tired of cold weather.  I know ours is not as bad as other areas of the country but it’s way colder than I have been around in years.  In some ways, I’ve learned to live with it but, if it were worse, I think I would seriously have to leave the area and move to South America.  Or Jamaica if global warming doesn’t flood it out. 

    Time to wrap this up and finish up the folding of some sheets I have here.  Love you all and I wish you great weather and lots of love.  Do something nice for yourself today.  Hugs! 

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