June 23, 2013

  • The Boys Go Shooting And The Girls Have Fun At Home…


    Today the Beast and two of his buddies (Dennis and Jack) along with the son of Jack, went target shooting at the Beast’s favorite gun range.  The Beast took two of his guns because he needed to fix the sight on one of them.  The other has a scope on it that he adjusted quite a while back.  Dennis brought his gun with him, which is a real trick when you are riding a motorcycle.    I told him it’s a good thing we don’t have any motorcycle gangs in this area or he would have been stopped and, even though his gun was broken down (stock removed), they might have inspected his packs.  I don’t know what the laws are here about such things but cops don’t like motorcycle people with any kind of guns.  Anyway, they loaded up their guns and ammunition and set off around 3 pm.

    At first, that left just me and Chewlee who decided to have a pool party with the smallest pool ever (it was a big plastic bowl that we use for Baron’s water when he’s outside).  She put on her bathing suit and I was in charge of the hose.  I sprayed her when she wasn’t expecting it so there was screaming (the fun type) involved.  Then she put about 1/3 of the bowl with water and sat in it.  She drew her feet up and set them along the edge and did a *yahoo!* while I sprayed her some more.  She was having a ball.  We did that for about an hour.  She would take the hose from me occasionally and spray my feet and then give me a head shot.  Trust me, we kept cool!

    What was funny was she was playing like that before the *boys* left.  When Dennis pulled into our driveway, she yelled out to him, *Hey, Dennis, come on!  We’re having a pool party!*  She was stuffed into the bowl when she did that and it was just hilarious to watch.  You should have been there!  Too funny!

    After we came into the house for Chewlee to get dried off, she got dressed and we went out to the garden to water it.  She, of course, found some newly ripe strawberries that she washed off via the hose and ate, the little stinker.  I told her that if she ate all of the ripe ones she found, we wouldn’t have enough strawberries to make any jam or for me and the Beast to have some.  She didn’t even look embarrassed but said she wouldn’t eat them all after this.  We’ll see how long she keeps that promise.

    Then Tara showed up just as we were heading outside for Chewlee to ride her bike.  She had Chance with her and Chewlee was so happy.  They raced around the yard for a bit then went to check out how the wild berries were doing on our other lot.  They brought us a bunch of small berries which was really cute of Chance who only wanted to give them to me.

    After a bit, Chewlee went into the house, got her markers, some paper and a couple of packages for under the paper while she and Chance drew pictures.  Tara and I got to talk about a few things like her finding a guy who is doing some of the heavy work around the house that she needed taken care of.  A nice guy who is used to working and even made arrangements to start some work on Tuesday between 6-7am.  Tara told him to make it 7am because she didn’t get up that early.  Now this is a guy who is only about 17 or 18, she thinks.  She told the Beast that he’s a good worker and gets things done faster than she could believe.  She says if we need someone sometime, call her and she’ll give him his phone number.  It’s always nice to know.

    The guys got home before Tara left and then the Princess showed up to pick up Chewlee.  I checked with her and, if Chewlee still wants to go to the *sleepover* at Uncle Mustachio’s with me, she can.  The Beast immediately said she could have no markers or crayons in the car.  I told him she would have her leap pad and her dvd player and that would be all she needed.  I plan on bringing along my Nook so she can read some of her books I have downloaded on it if she wants, too.

    The Beast took Baron on his daily run around the circle.  He rides his motor scooter (Chewlee calls it the *mooter scooter*) and sometimes takes Chewlee along with him.  She sits behind him and just loves it.  Poor Chance got all upset because he couldn’t go along.  The Beast, when I told him, felt bad but promised Chance to take him the next time he was at our house.  Chance had cried when they took off but when the Beast said he would take him next time, Chance was really happy over that.

    The house seemed so quiet when everyone left and it was just me, the Beast and Baron.  But it was nice.  I set up everything for dinner (just steamed hot dogs and mac and cheese).  I cut up onion, sliced a tomato, got out the condiments and celery salt and put on the water for the pasta.  Then I went out on the deck with Baron and relaxed for a bit until the Beast got home with the hotdogs and buns.

    He headed for bed early and I will probably do the same.  I slept great last night and hope to do the same tonight.  I wish everyone a great night’s sleep and a fantastic upcoming week. 

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