Month: August 2012

  • Small Changes For Good Reasons….


    I had just started to get ready for the hematology doctor’s appointment when I received a call from his nurse.  My appointment was moved into September on the 18th.  I’ll have to remember that for when I see my *surgeon* about what has to be extracted or examined next.   Because I am always curious about when an appointment is changed, I asked his nurse why he had moved it.  It seems he examined the last couple CBC’s I had done at the hospital and he decided that it wasn’t as serious as my surgeon thought it might be.  Perhaps just a bad diet.  I was told to go ahead and take a daily vitamin with iron (I have daily vitamin plus an iron supplement) and he would see me in September.  It seems this particular doctor works closely with the Cancer Center located there at the hospital and he sees patients like my brother who has been undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.  I think that’s much more important for him to concentrate on and take care of the patients that really need his care.  Don’t you?

    Good news!  Chewlee got a smiley face at school today plus a note from her teacher that she had a much improved attitude today.  She was so excited when she got off the bus, all she wanted to do was call her mother and tell her.  I don’t know if the Princess called here to see what she got or if the Beast called her but she got to tell her mother all about it.  She got her cartoon privileges back (Plus she gets to watch cartoons late tonight!  ) AND she gets her Leap Pad back.  You never saw a kid so excited.  When the Princess got here after work, Chewlee recited the rules about listening and talking to her mother.  It was really cute to hear her.   She even got to watch her cartoons on the Beast’s big TV.  He, too, was proud of her better attitude.

    We did our *picnic*, which seems to tickle Chewlee that I would get down on the floor on our picnic blanket.  We eat fruit, chips, crackers and have our drinks.  Hers is either milk or juice, mine milk or coffee.  She loves tortilla chips almost as much as I do so those are her chips of choice for our picnic.

    Bratfink has gotten me stuck on the slots games on Yahoo now but Chewlee has found a couple of them cute and funny.  When she is doing the clicking, she seems to be lucky.  Me?  I stink.    But we will play those games for a while and then it’s time for one of her hidden objects games.  All in all, we do a lot of different things when she’s here.  It’s why she tires me out.  She even found time to go outside and ride her bike for a while.  I keep hoping she works off some energy so we get some quiet time but that is a rare event.  She did spend some time doing some of the exercises she did at gymnastics so that *I* would know how to do them right. 

    I found out, quite by accident, that the kid can do the splits without batting an eyelash.    But….I do remember the golden child and gymnastics.  She was only 18 months old when I put her in a class because hyperkinetic kids suffer from small motor problems and gymnastics helps.  She was amazing!  And it was just the thing she needed at the time.  I think all kids are amazing given half a chance.  It’s why I support the Head Start programs.  Kids need all the exposure and encouragement they can get as early as possible.  They can truly surprise you at how their little minds are so open and how much they can absorb if given the exposure.

    Time to get myself ready for bed….later….not ready yet today.  We heard some thunder earlier but no rain so far.  In fact, no more thunder.  I hope you aren’t in areas that are suffering from all the rainfall from Isaac.  Love you all and I wish you much happiness and joy in your lives.  Enjoy the weekend. 


  • It Never Ends


    Today I got a call from the hematologist’s office to tell me that I needed to be in their office at 11:20am tomorrow morning.  **Sigh**  The original date I had for this was next week on Friday but, what the heck!  I have nothing else to do.  It seems like my life revolves around doctors lately.  Then the surgeon calls to say if I wanted to go ahead and schedule the angiography for my leg that has the bypass, I can skip my appointment.  I said no thanks.  I would rather keep the appointment, heal a bit more and schedule it for after my granddaughter’s wedding.  But I did find out that I can go ahead and shower.  The *bandaging* over the stitches is actually a kind of paste and it’s water soluble. 

    So tomorrow morning I am off to see the doctor about my *anemia*.  Why the anesthesiologist said I should probably take a vitamin with iron because my blood count was a little low and the surgeon is freaking out, I have no idea but I’ll be damned if I am going to submit to iron shots.  I was sick a lot as a kid (with chronic ear infections) and the doctor thought that would be the best for me along with some iron pills that a horse would have had a tough time swallowing.  It got so that everything I ate or drank tasted like iron.  I kid you not.  I started crying because I loved my mom’s fried chicken that we always had on Sunday but I took a bite and it tasted like iron.  That’s when my mother (who knew how painful the damn shots were) said, *Enough!*  I really remember how much I loved her at that moment when she said I wouldn’t have to take any more shots or pills.  And I never had any problems with my blood count until the surgery on my legs.  The doctors mentioned it but not one of them suggested I take vitamins with iron or any such thing.  That kind of pisses me off.  I’ll handle it tomorrow when I meet with the doctor and find out what the whole story is.

    I asked Chewlee some questions about her getting into trouble yesterday.  She got very upset and told me it wasn’t fair.  She said *Michael* (we shall call him) kicked over her castle she was building and SHE got in trouble.  All she did (she said) was make a fist and threaten him.  She said she didn’t even HIT him (I think she might have felt better about being in trouble if she had!)…..YET.  It was the yet that almost made me smile in front of her.  I told her she should just have told him he should help her fix it or told the teacher like Kai Lan does.  But she said, *But he’s not a FRIEND!  Kai Lan tells that to her FRIENDS!*  She had a valid point.  I told her if it happens again, NO FISTS should be made…just tell the teacher that he did it and you are upset.  She doesn’t think it will help but I told her she doesn’t know that until she tries it.

    She didn’t get a smiley face today but she didn’t get quite a frowny face either.  It was a face with a squiggle for a mouth.  It was mostly over her talking and talking when she shouldn’t have been so she disrupted the class, I’m sure.  She was already upset over losing her cartoon privilege at home AND here.  Today she lost her Leap Pad until she gets a smiley face AND the Princess is going to show up at her class tomorrow.  At first, the idea of that made her happy (to have her mother there) until the Princess told her that all her friends would know she was a baby who had to have her mommy come to class because SHE couldn’t listen.

    I’ll let you know how things work out over the coming days.  My son, Mustachio, told me today he got a surprise present.  It was Buttmunch.  Yes, she’s back in KY and staying with him.  He’s went to the landlord to ask for a 2 bedroom apartment as soon as one is available (which may be very shortly).  They had a unit that had been two one bedroom apartments they converted but he said the layout sucked so he turned it down.  He’s told her that she has six months to get her act together or at least show him she’s really trying.   He really thinks she can and I know he will be helpful.  It’s a hell of a responsibility he’s taken on but he loves his sister and he knows how tough things can be when a relationship breaks up and there you are!  They have actually been good to each other over the years.  I just hope this arrangement works out  for them.

    Love you all.  Please say a little prayer for my brother who still needs them and while you are at it, say one for all the victims of the flooding and tornadoes that have occurred over the past few days due to Isaac.  Be good, be happy. 

  • Chewlee, Gymnastics And The Beast


    Today was Chewlee’s first day of gymnastics after school.  It’s a class at the school’s gymnasium and the Beast had to pick her up when the class was over.  Since he had never been to their gym before (in fact it was the first time he had picked her up from there), he left early.  Thank goodness.  Turns out the gymnasium he found was the one for the high school next door.    He didn’t realize it at first because he said all the kids playing basketball, soccer and a few other things (practicing more than likely) were so small.  Then, when he saw a few that came in with the coach, he realized he was at the high school.  He asked (thankfully) where the grammer school gym was and then headed over there to get Chewlee.

    He arrived a little before the end of class so he watched the kids.  He said they were just AWFUL at the things they were trying to do.  Most of the kids he said were either overweight or really thin.  He said Chewlee was better than most only because she sure has practiced a lot of the things while she was here.  Things like somersaults, attempts at cartwheels, standing on her head (against the wall, of course) but she’s at least TRIED.  Her big complaint today was they didn’t DO anything except exercises.  She wanted to do gymnastics like they did at the Olympics. 

    She didn’t want me to check her folder (I do so with the Princess’s instructions clearly in mind).  I found out why…she not only had a frowny face for one of her papers, but a note from the teacher (which I did not read).  But it all spelled *not good*.  Sure enough, her mother was upset.  Very upset.  All I managed to catch was something about Chewlee kicking a boy that knocked over her juice box or something.  At least I hope she was kicking him and not kissing him.  But she lost some privilege that had her in tears as she was leaving.   How long it will last I won’t find out until tomorrow. 

    When I found out through one of her papers that she hadn’t listened to the teacher (so it wasn’t done), I told her she should have listened.  Her comment to me was *But, I listen to her MOST of the time!*  I told her she had to listen to her ALL the time.  Her answer to that?  *But, I CAN’T!*  When asked why she couldn’t, she really couldn’t come up with an answer to that so she stopped talking.

    I was telling Bratfink about all this and she laughed and said Chewlee might be the first kindergartener expelled from class.  I told her that it wasn’t totally out of the question with how stubborn Chewlee can be at times. 

    I’m still swollen and sore.  It really stings if I sweat.  What is surprising to me is that I hurt around my waist.  If it keeps up, I’m going to call the doctor.  I feel like I was held in place or something and they were a bit TOO vigorous about it.

    I’m going to go lay back down for a while now that Chewlee is gone.  I’m just not comfortable sitting up right now.  Love you all and have a great day. 


  • I’M ALIVE! I’M ALIVE!!!!


    I’m home but almost had to stay overnight once more.  I started running a fever just before I was to be released.  I had done so good (I had clear dinner yesterday…chicken broth, jello, sweet tea with lemon, grape popsicle) I cleaned off the tray (I really WAS hungry) and I drank a lot of water.  They kept asking me if I wanted something different but I stuck with the water which they put a lot of ice in.  I ate my breakfast (which was later than it should have been) which was oatmeal, scrambled eggs, coffee (cold…I almost cried) and orange juice.

    Lunch was chicken and gravy plus a nice roll.  I used the roll to make up a sandwich of the chicken and sopped up the gravy with the roll.    I also had chicken noodle soup (the noodles were suspiciously like Campbell’s but I wasn’t about to complain.  I love my Campbell’s chicken noodle  **Grin**).  Again there was what I THOUGHT was sweet tea but it was unsweetened and no sugar or even sugar substitute on the tray.  I drank it anyway.  There was also some kind of side dish of okra with a tasty cheese sauce.  I am not an okra fan but I did like that. 

    I have to admit that I probably should have stayed.  I wasn’t home more than an hour and I was throwing up.  It seemed to be the chicken that wasn’t sitting well along with the okra.  After a couple hours, I have no idea WHY but I felt much better afterward. 

    Now, let me tell you about this one part of pre-op that was truly a pain.  They tried to thread this plastic something-or-other that is used to give my blood pressure reading IMMEDIATELY.  On a second to second basis.  This is important I guess when they open up your carotid to clean it.  Three different people tried to get it in the vein that is the pulse.  They tried twice on the left and ran into some kind of snag.  Then they tried three times on the right and said my veins were *rolling* all over.  The last person that was trying was the head of anesthesiology who finally said to wait until they put me under and to get the portable sonogram.  The nurse said my doctor uses it in the OR so that wouldn’t be a problem.  When I woke up, that sucker was on my left hand.  I guess they got past the obstruction, whatever it was.  I think it might just have been some scar tissue from my wrist surgery five years ago.  Not on the vein but it was probably the scar on the wrist muscle that was pressing on it.

    I woke up in Surgical ICU and my only complaint is the damn bedpan.  EVERY time I had to use is, no matter how I tilted it, it got the bed pad wet.  Have you seen these new plastic bedpans?  They are smaller than the cold metal ones.  And, obviously, I have a bigger bladder than they are used to….LOL.    BUT, I sure as hell didn’t want a catheter so I called attention to the fact that they had best get a couple more of the pads they use to throw down after I use it….I knew from the amount of liquid I was consuming that I would be up a few times.

    I was hooked up to all kinds of stuff.  I even had heart leads on me and could watch them on this one machine to one side.  The other side gave my blood pressure, my oxygen level (which dropped a lot when I go to sleep we found out), my pulse rate and temperature.  The nurse told me I just don’t breathe all that deeply when I sleep.  I know I often snore so how can that be?  Oh well.  My blood sugar was NOT what I wanted it to be but they weren’t giving me my medication.  THAT surprised me since I am diabetic (Type 2, pills only) but I swear they are in love with insulin and would rather use that than a pill.  They like their results to be faster than a pill provides.  I got ONE shot after their clear dinner and it surprised me because it was only 167 an hour after I ate.  My blood sugar didn’t even get to where my regular doctor said is should get (around 225-265 IF I am eating correctly).  I really need to do more research on this because that part of my stay confused me.  Unless he said that because of the pill I take.  I just don’t know.

    I loved the fact that I had my room to myself and I kept the TV on like I do here at home most of the time.  The Beast has shut it off a few times and I wake up immediately.  The nurses were a bit startled to find out that I woke up as soon as they stood on the side of my bed.  Boom!  Up!  I don’t think they are used to that.    I have no idea why I was like that but I doubt a thief in the house could surprise me.  Oh hell, Baron wouldn’t let a person get in the door or window once we go to bed.  If someone is walking anywhere near us, he instantly goes on alert and starts a deep growling in his chest.  He will pace the house until whatever was making the noise is gone.  I doubt anyone could ever sneak in on us…..even one of the kids that has a house key.    Now THAT would be funny!

    Now to the ugly part.  My neck is VERY swollen and black and blue.  I look like one of those people who have a huge tumor in their necks except my tumor looks like it’s just started.  The Beast looked at it and asked if the doctor used a steak knife or just hacked away with a pen knife.  It doesn’t look quite that bad but it looks strange.  I have no idea what the doctor put over the stitches.  It ALMOST feels like paper of some kind.  I’m going to have to call his office tomorrow to find out if I can shower with this or do I go back to the p.t.a. baths again.  I am going to have to ask for suggestions for a funny reply later on when people ask how I got this scar on my neck.  I could say a cross-eyed guy tried to slit my throat but that doesn’t seem quite right since the scar runs from my ear lobe down and to the top center of the collar bone.  Well, not quite to the center but close.

    Love you all.  I need to go lay down for a bit now.  I will probably be up and down tonight.  At least I have my pain pills although I was told to call my doctor’s office if the Ultram isn’t strong enough.  He wanted me to have Lortabs but the Ultram works for me (high pain threshold).  It’s been raining in our area due to Isaac.  Poor New Orleans is expected to get 16 inches of rain.  I hope they turn on the pumps early because those only get rid of one inch an hour.  We will be getting more rain for the next few days and we can use it.  There are places in Texas that really are loving all the rain they are getting.  They just wish they had gotten it a couple months earlier.

    Oh well, drive carefully and keep an eye on your cholesterol levels. 

  • [Bratfink Post] SHE’S HOME!

    Bratsis is home and I’m sure she will be back here as soon as she can to tell you all about everything!




  • Update on Bratsis [Bratfink entry]

    Tara texted me to let me know that Bratsis was out of surgery and apparently all went well.  Which means that she was moved to ICU after her surgery.  The Beast was heading up there to see her.

    Keep your prayers coming please!  She’s got another couple surgeries coming up and there’s healing to happen!



  • The Countdown Begins….


    12 HOURS … only 12 hours from now and I will be reporting in for my surgery.   There will be little fanfare.  Just undress, put clothes and shoes in bag and then lay down and wait to be wheeled into presurgical room to get IV put in, talk briefly to the anesthesiologist again and then something to *relax* me and I will be out like a light.  It doesn’t take much to put me under. 

    Chewlee did not like the idea of me going to the hospital again.  Neither did she like the idea that she wouldn’t see me for two days.  She hugged me and told me she would miss me and would I miss her?  I told her of course I would.  I told her I didn’t want her to be worried about where *I* am if she came here and didn’t see me.  I think her mother only goes to school on Monday so she will go home after school but she comes HERE on Tuesdays.  By then, Lord willing, I will be home to greet her when the bus drops her off.

    In the meantime, I have to shower and last of all use this special soap on my neck region.  Then, in the morning, use it again.  It’s a surgical soap like the doctors use.  Guess I can use all the help I can get to get rid of any germs that might be lurking around.  It’s a tough enough surgery as it is.  My biggest worry is blood clots.  I’m praying that I don’t have any that bust loose.  Say a little prayer for me, won’t you?

    Tara stopped by with Chance for a visit.  I found out that Keith is getting a used pickup for his birthday on Friday.  Of course, he will be making payments on it to one of Tara’s clients but the down payment on it and part of his insurance payments will be coming from Tara.  Oh, I forgot, his grandfather is contributing towards the down payment, too, as a birthday present.  The nice thing is that he will have his own vehicle.

    He’s gotten taller in a very short time.  He’s also started jogging to help his muscle tone and keep his weight down.  He’s become health (hence, diet) conscious and I’m sure that’s related to attracting girls.    Tara has been taking some classes offered by her church on health, diet and nutrition.  She says she’s learned a lot in just a few classes and has already lost six pounds as a result of just learning what she has.   I’m proud of her and I know she will do well.  Especially since she’s also learned about the timing of eating.  Timing can mean a lot when it comes to eating.  It’s like the Beast eating before he goes to bed and then wondering why he’s gained weight. 

    Well, love you all.  Don’t look for any long blog.  I will have Bratfink notify you if I survived the surgery.  Love you all. 

  • I Admit I’m Scared…


    I was talking on an IM with my son tonight and ended up in tears when talking about my surgery and it’s possible consequences.  That’s when I had to admit that I was actually scared with this one.  Mainly because it’s so close to my brain and could allow blood clots to enter my bloodstream. 

    It’s why I told my niece, Tara, that I wanted her to have my computer if anything happened to me.   She, bless her heart, was horrified that I would even think that way but agreed to something I wanted her to do for me before she took it and ran.    I’ll have to remember to mention it to the Beast so he won’t be surprised if it’s gone if something happens to me.  When you read about it online, they tend to concentrate on the positive but you can see where there could be problems.  And I can visualize with the best of them.  What’s the saying?  I know just enough to be a danger to myself?  Or something like that.

    I’m going to do all the right things and try to keep a positive frame of mind.  I’m also going to pray.  If you think about it, drop a prayer or two for me, won’t you?  Thanks.  Love you. 

  • Footnote On The Beast’s Eye


    I forgot to tell you about the eye that was so bad and the Beast’s early morning appointment.  When I got up, I found the Beast already up with a big smile on his face.  He had removed the lens on his glasses for that eye so that he was able to see.  The eye that had been operated on was clear and he could SEE!!!  He was so happy that he told me he didn’t want me to go with him to the doctor’s.  He decided to leave at 5:30am so that he could stop at McD’s for some breakfast.  I just told him to please be very careful because this ability to see for him could change.  He swore if it did, he would call me and I could come and get him. 

    That’s the nice part about once again having a second car.  I’m no longer isolated.  Although he was seeing very well when he first got up, he found out that it comes and goes.  The doctor told him that he won’t have MY experience because his surgery was more complex than mine and he had some stubborn areas that didn’t easily peel off.  He is at least less panicky now that he knows his new vision will become permanent with a little time for it to heal.  He’s being good about his eye drops so he should be fine within a week.

    He’s a bit concerned about my upcoming surgery after doing some reading about it.  Hell, so am I.  I told my niece I want her to have my computer if anything happens to me and also gave her some instructions about a special folder she is to delete and then clear my history.  I just don’t want the Beast to read any of my blogs.  Many will hurt his feelings and anger him, too.  I said nothing that wasn’t true but I’m not the type to rub his face in it, if you know what I mean.

    I did talk to a nurse who had a husband that had just had the same surgery and he said it was amazing how much better he felt.  It may be responsible for my constant feeling of being tired no matter how long I slept.  We’ll see.

    Love you all.  Have a great weekend. 

  • Presurgical Tests And Monday Is The Day


    Finally got the call from the doctor’s office about my carotid surgery on Monday.  Had to quickly run down to the hospital for the required tests.  Blood tests (so many tubes, they had to have taken a half gallon), 12 lead cardiogram, talk to the anesthesiologist and then get all your info on what you have to do the night before and the day of surgery.  It really annoys me that they HAVE all the information, what they NEED is just an update since the last time you were in.  I mean, I’ve only been in the hospital 3 or 4 times now.  Sheesh. 

    I was afraid we wouldn’t be home for when the Princess dropped off Chewlee so had the Beast call her to tell her to bring her to work and we would stop by and get her.  It would only have been a few minutes that she was there if we didn’t end up meeting her in the parking lot.  It would have been THAT close but……  We find out she’s having a sleepover at the Princess’s girlfriends house.  The one that’s getting married and having a redneck wedding.  It’s to practice for the wedding and let Chewlee practice with her pom-pom’s (Arizona State’s colors, of course).  Chewlee had been saying she was going to have a sleepover at her aunt’s house on Friday but we were playing a make-believe game at the time so I thought that was just part of the game.  The Princess hadn’t mentioned it to me; she may have told the Beast but his mind doesn’t keep a lot of information unless it’s important to HIM.  If she did tell him, he obviously forgot it or he would have told me when I was worried about Chewlee.

    So anyway, I won’t be blogging on Monday but I may have Bratfink let you know how the surgery went.  Or if I died.  I discovered I was very nervous about this surgery when it was explained to me.  I came home with a stomach ache but I suspected I was nervous so I took an Ativan to check it out.  Sure enough.  Within a half hour, it was gone.  And to think I have two other surgeries to look forward to.  My other carotid and then the one where the doctor takes a look at his bypass surgery in my leg to see what’s what with a strange sound at one spot.  That one doesn’t bother me at all.  Just the carotid ones. 

    Oh well.  Love you all.  Say a little prayer for me, won’t you?  I would do it for you if you need it.  Thanks.